
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

January 13, 2022

How to Help Teens Find Motivation

Is having motivation important for success? I am of the opinion that finding motivation when it is lacking is essential for success in all areas of life. In this article, I’ll share my number one tip for teens finding motivation by using their DCM (Driving Core Motive), and how I used it with my son and his experience playing on the varsity basketball team.  As a teen life coach, I work with young and impressionable minds, and many of them lack motivation. When a parent calls or reaches out to me on social media about their teenager lacking motivation, I immediately send them to a Color Code personality assessment. Lacking motivation is

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December 29, 2021

Color Code for College Students: Can it help you pick your major?

Can Color Code help an aspiring college student find the “best-fit” major? The short answer—YES.   The more complicated answer—it will help, but it will not tell you exactly what to study. So… How can it help?   There is an important concept in interviewing and hiring the best person for a job; it’s called motivational fit. The idea of motivational fit is that the best-fit candidate will have a natural motivation to do the type of work required for a job. A common question to determine motivational fit is, “Tell me about your ideal workday.”  The candidate might respond:  “I’d like to have flexib

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December 16, 2021

How can a life coach help your personality type in relationships?

Each of the personality colors has their own strengths, and they also have their own areas that they need to work on, known as natural limitations. Relationships are a constant learning process, and when you’re stressed, you might find that the challenges linked to your personality color become enhanced. Life coaching is a process that aims to help you alter your mindset in order to manifest a more positive lifestyle. You might be familiar with seeing a life coach for career motivation or for increasing your confidence, but how can seeing a life coach lead to forming stronger relationships with your loved ones? By addressing individual p

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December 15, 2021

Ask the Expert: Why is my adult personality different from my childhood personality?

“Hi I had a criticism of this questionnaire. There are some items where none of the responses applied. I would say that was true on about three or four of these. There should therefore either be a ‘none apply’ or more options, because this will skew results. I think your assessment is correct except that it is wrong on a couple important fronts — about how I am now. This asks questions about being a child, but for someone like myself, who has been on a path of self-development since a young age, the way I was when I was a child is different than how I was as a teenager and as an adult and also from the things I’ve h

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December 8, 2021

YOU GOTTA WANNA: Finding Change through Wanting Change

Do you know what happens to your quality of life if you decide to live by happenstance rather than choosing to live your life by design?  Happenstance takes no effort, and it’s a sure bet that you’re setting the bar of life extremely low.  This occurs whenever someone decides they will just see what happens to their quality of life providing no sense of planning, life strategy or vision.  Happenstance can further be the evidence of selecting to just go along with the crew at chow time and eat from the plate of life from whatever is served up and whatever the rest of the crew is eating. Living life by design is simple…not easy!

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December 1, 2021

Which Christmas character is your Color Code twin?

Deck the halls with peace and power fa la la la la la la la la. Tis the season for fun and relationships fa la la la la la la la la. Don we now our driving core motives fa la la fa la la LAA LAA LAAAA. Okay, I’ll stop. It’s Christmastime, and I’m just a little bit excited to write my Color Code Christmas blog. Can you think of a time of year when our core personalities shine through more than the month of December when both our stress and our happiness levels are at an all-time-high? I can’t. And what’s more, those core personalities are on display for all to enjoy through laughs and tears as we see ourselves reflected in the holida

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November 24, 2021

Turning the Holidays from Stress-ful to Stress-free

It's the hap-happiest season of all…or is it?  According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, many people experience "the holiday blues" this time of year. "While the majority of people surveyed reported feelings of happiness, love, and high spirits over the holidays, those emotions were often accompanied by feelings of fatigue, stress, irritability, bloating, and sadness." Each of us moves into the holidays with mixed feelings—some joy and some trepidation. Even those who love this season can experience times of high emotion and demands, which can leave many people feeling stressed and exhausted. Following are a

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November 17, 2021

Thanksgiving: What does each color bring to the table?

Gratitude. When someone mentions this word, how does it resonate with you? Do you think about 2021 being a particularly tough year with more blows than you thought you could stand? Or do you immediately go to looking around at your material items? Maybe you are naturally grateful and can see the positive amidst a sea of challenges. I wasn’t built with a sunshine disposition. (Have you guessed my color yet?) I have to work at it, and yes I have to work at knowing and naming what I am grateful for. It takes work. (Ok, I’ll fess up. I’m a Red with a strong secondary Blue.) Can you relate? As we are traveling through this holiday seas

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November 10, 2021

Eight Ways Color Code Helps Parents & Kids

Recently, I had the fun opportunity to help create a mini Messenger lesson for our Facebook fans that was designed to teach parents specifically how Color Code helps them and their kids.

However, since many of our blog readers are not on Facebook, I thought it would be fun to share that info here as well in the form of an article.

So, without further adieu, let’s explore eight of my favorite ways Color Code helps parents and kids.

1. Goodbye, frustrations! (Well, at least a lot of them ;))

One HUGE way Color Code helps parents and their kids is it frees them both from man

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November 3, 2021

5 Listening Traps to Avoid

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and then we must use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” - Anthony Robbins Have you ever noticed how GOOD it feels to be really listened to? It’s impactful and conveys respect and value.  The ability to effectively communicate with others remains the single most important factor on a leader’s list of attributes. A big part of effective communication is active listening.  Unfortunately, one of the big communication challenges most people face is that we don't actively listen to understand.

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