
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

March 9, 2022

Do This One Thing Every day For A Better Life. Guaranteed.

GRATITUDE If you're thinking that I'm being cheesy or a little too "Pollyanna" about this - please hear me out. There is a scientific foundation for what I'm saying. Psychologist Robert Emmons has been researching gratitude from a scientific perspective for over 15 years. The following is a list of benefits that have been linked to increased levels of gratitude: Improved physical, emotional, and social well-being Greater optimism and happiness Improved feelings of connection in times of loss or crises Increased self-esteem Heightened energy levels Strengthened heart, immune system and decreased blood pressure

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December 15, 2021

Ask the Expert: Why is my adult personality different from my childhood personality?

“Hi I had a criticism of this questionnaire. There are some items where none of the responses applied. I would say that was true on about three or four of these. There should therefore either be a ‘none apply’ or more options, because this will skew results. I think your assessment is correct except that it is wrong on a couple important fronts — about how I am now. This asks questions about being a child, but for someone like myself, who has been on a path of self-development since a young age, the way I was when I was a child is different than how I was as a teenager and as an adult and also from the things I’ve h

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October 20, 2021

Ask the Expert: Helping Whites Create Goals Despite Overwhelm

Dear Jeremy, I am a White that loves to make goals, but I get overwhelmed, “want to do it all” and then have a hard time following through with my goals. I do very well with accountability. My husband is Yellow and also struggles with keeping goals. To add to the complexity, we have 5 small children ages 19 months to 10 years old. Heidi ==================== Hello, Heidi. Wow! You've got a lot going on in life. :) Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here at Color Code. I'd love to answer your question with a few thoughts of my own. First of all, I love that you are goal- and accountability-oriented. That's

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August 15, 2017

Ask the Expert: Be Yourself First…Then Adapt

A few weeks ago, a student of the Color Code asked me a great question. She said, "I'm loving learning about how to adapt to work more effectively with each of the four Color Code styles, but I'm finding it difficult constantly trying to act like a Red for one co-worker and then switch into Yellow mode for somebody else. Does it get easier to present as each of the colors over time???" While I applauded her commitment to applying what she'd been learning, I could tell she was seriously stressed over the idea of having to know everybody's Color Code all the time and constantly trying to switch her style conversation by conversation. As the r

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July 18, 2017

Ask the Expert: Which of the Colors Is the Most Loving?

Which of the four Color Code personality styles tends to be the most loving? Tricky question, isn't it? ... But I get that kind of thing a lot. I think some people want to jump to a conclusion and say that Blues are the most loving. My guess is that they do this because we associate Blues as being the most caring, thoughtful, etc. While it is true that those particular personality strengths are most common for Blues, I submit to you that each of the four Colors expresses love in different—though equally significant—ways. Therefore, our position is that no Color is naturally more "loving" than any other Color. Let's take a look at how

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May 18, 2017

Quick-Start Guide to Becoming a Better Leader

There are numerous ways to increase your effectiveness as a leader. You could work on improving your own efficiency. You could learn how to think more strategically. You could work on developing specific emotional intelligence talents. You could get more time management training, etc., etc. But, in reality, does anything really matter more than your success in helping the people you lead to grow, collaborate and achieve on a higher level? If that's true, one of the best ways to "move the needle" in your own leadership efforts can be to simply have a personalized plan for the individuals you work with. That's why I've

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April 18, 2017

3 Essential Steps for Healthy Personal Change

Have you ever seen this kind of story play out either in your own life or in somebody else's? Let's say there's a woman named Nicole who is unhappy with life. She just really doesn't feel very successful, so she vows to change. She ends up taking massive action and focusing like she never has before. Things start to change for Nicole, and she starts stacking up victories. Her persistence eventually leads her to achieve great financial success! ...But she's still not happy, and she can't figure out what went wrong. Do you know someone like Nicole? My guess is that you've probably seen something like that played out before. Of course, the s

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March 15, 2017

Parent Like a Red: 7 Tips for Raising Amazing Children!

Dear Jeremy, As a high Red, What sorts of positive traits do I bring to parenting? (I'm very well aware of the obstacles/negative traits). I really struggle to feel fulfilled at home with little kids, especially because I have a high-powered job that I find exciting and challenging ... but I also want to be happy on the weekends when I'm home with my kids! Thanks!! Lisa C. ==================== Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for asking this question! I've been married to a wonderful Red for over 18 years. We have four kids who adore her; however, sometimes she doesn't see the same value in herself as they see in her. Sound familiar? So, I

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February 7, 2017

Ask the Expert – Why Motive?

Let me tell you why the concept of MOTIVE will change your life. Here's a quick thought for you that I hope makes a lot of sense. Unless you've been a stranger to the Color Code system, or if perhaps you only know us casually because you took Color Code Profile out of curiosity (or something like that), you know that we are all about understanding people's MOTIVES. Motive is everything to the Color Code. It's our "secret sauce," if you will. (Psst - don't tell anybody I told you that!) ;) But it's true. That's what we are all about. For some people, the concept of Motive seems a little strange, because it's not what they a

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January 27, 2017

A Fresh Way of Looking at New Year’s Resolutions

As we plunge into 2017, one of the most frequently asked questions we see is, "How can I finally stick to my New Year's resolutions?" It's a good question, and there is a lot of advice out there online. Some of it is really great, and some of it is, well, not so great. As our expertise centers around the Color Code Personality System, I'd like to add my two cents on how to help with resolutions from our perspective. Our perspective is always "MOTIVE." Motive is all about why we do the things we do, and it definitely ties into how we pursue our resolutions. Too often during this time of the year, we sit back and we think

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