
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

June 29, 2014

Ask the Expert

What do these Colors mean anyway? I recently had a person ask me if I could better explain what these four Colors are so that she could better understand how this whole system works and how to apply it to her life. Most people, she said, just hear about "Red," "Blue," "White," and "Yellow" and then a few behavioral qualities that describe what each type is like. She also wanted to know what the Colors themselves mean. I thought this was such a great question! It's at the heart of Dr. Hartman's theory, and I probably too often assume that everybody understands it already. So here's my quick lesson on MOTIVES. Whenever I deliver a Color Co

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May 5, 2014

Mother’s Day? We Have Your Back

May 11th is Mother’s Day. To some it’s a big deal and to others, not so much. Either way, we are full of advice for successfully navigating the day. Blues I am breaking with Color Code tradition by beginning this advice with the Blues. Why? Because, I’m afraid those of you with Blue mothers will fade before you get to the Blue advice, and that would be a big mistake—BIG. So, pay attention. Let’s talk about your Blue mother. All your life, she was there for you. She was the mother who volunteered for your field trips, cake bake, sports… the list goes on. She drove you to school when you slept in, and believed you when you fibbed.

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June 3, 2013

Ask the Expert

Hi, Jeremy. I'm just wondering... I have an employee who took the assessment and came out nearly 25% in each of the Colors. Is that even possible, and what does it mean? Thanks! Danny Dear Danny, Thanks for the question. It's a good one, and I'm happy to provide you with some insight here. The good news is that you have probably not hired somebody with multiple personality disorder. :)In fact, an almost even split on a Color Code Personality Assessment is actually not terribly uncommon. The truth is, there is only one Color capable of scoring alm

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February 12, 2013

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, So my secondary and tertiary colors (red and blue) are really close (28% and 21%, respectively). But somehow I got a TON of the weaknesses of blue, and NONE of the strengths. And it's really showing up and creating conflict in my life, esp since I'm almost 50% yellow. What does a person do about that?? Can I please have a blue-ectomy? Tori Hey, Tori. Thanks for taking the time to write us about this. It's a great question/dilemma. I would not recommend going with the Blue-ectomy, though. They're invasive, expensive, and you may end up losing a lot of heart in the process. :)

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January 23, 2013

Ask the Expert

Good day; My name is Rene; I just wonder why when redoing the test there would be drastic changes in one's color code? My friend had done the test in 2009 with strong blue as primary color and white as secondary color. Now, after redoing the test, she says she is still blue as primary color but her secondary color has changed from white to red. She is very confused regarding her new results. I am puzzled too as you mention our color coding are coming from birth. Any explanation why their would be such a drastic change a few years down the road?   Thank you for yo

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January 1, 2013

Confessions of a Red–New Year’s Resolutions

I resolve to diet.

I resolve to exercise. I resolve to improve my relationship with a certain Blue. I resolve to (once again) work on my limitations. Does this sound familiar? As you read this, I have (most likely) failed at every one of my resolutions. Yet, every year I, along with millions of people worldwide, insist that this year will be different. One area I think we would all like to improve upon is our relationship with others. I admit that there are areas I can work on. Over ten years ago, I was given a book entitled Life’s Little Treasure Book on Wisdom. It is full of sa

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September 29, 2012

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I work in a company with a little over 10,000 employees, and in the top leadership tier, I have two VPs that I’m currently dealing with that I’m not sure how to handle. They are both Red, and when they run their individual teams, they’re amazing, but when they work together on our executive team, they are constantly butting heads. What can I do to make this work? Gavin Dear Gavin, What you have described to me sounds like a classical Red on Red issue that actually isn’t too tough to resolve. Here’s what typically happens: Reds by nature love to fit into leadership roles, and why not? T

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September 7, 2012

Reduction In Force

SCENARIO: While the economy seems to be improving, and unemployment numbers are stabilizing, we are still seeing employers that are faced with a reduction in force. As difficult as it is for managers to give this terrible news, it is even more difficult to be on the receiving end. So what can you do as a manager? How can you make the news a little more bearable? Each color will prefer to have this conversation differently. LIKELY REACTION: REDS: In having this difficult conversation with a Red, don’t bother beating around the bush. Reds respond best to direct communication. Don’t ramble on with excuses, personal feelings

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September 7, 2012

Confessions of a Red—Social Networking

Lately, I have been thinking about social networking and what personalities are drawn to it. For instance, I have accounts on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Eons, etc.--but don’t really participate. I don’t post, re-post, share, or poke. If anything, I am more of a voyeur. I will toggle through to see if there is anything interesting going on, and I do enjoy reading news from my scattered family. But, I have a hard time getting excited about the hen that my niece just bought for her Farmville farm, or working up a warm-fuzzy feeling about the plethora of cute cat posters that abound. And now, with the election heating up, I really don’t

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August 10, 2012

Be Congruent

Create Performance in Your Relationships!

Imagine going to bed at night with one person and waking up next to a seemingly different person in the morning. What would it be like never knowing what to expect from the person next to you? Never knowing what kind of mood they’ll be in that day? Even to the most adventurous among us, it would prove tiresome very quickly. We rely on consistency in others in order to know where we stand and what to expect in a relationship. You cannot easily commit to something or someone you cannot understand. The tremendous power of the Color Code is its offering o

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