Who doesn’t want their needs to be met? Each personality color comes with its own set of needs, but many people are likely not meeting these needs due to not being aware of what they are. If each of us knew the needs that came with each personality color, we would surely be better equipped to care for our loved ones. Today, we are going to address the needs of the Blue personality and help those who know and love Blues understand how they can meet their needs so the Blues will feel happier and more loved. Blues need to be good morally If you have a Blue friend who seems like a goody two-shoes, and it annoys you, this will be a good need for
Read MoreIf there are any Reds out there who haven’t been frustrated with a Blue at some point or another, we would be shocked. Reds and Blues are very different personalities. Reds are insensitive, while Blues are too sensitive. Reds want to get the job done and Blues want to get the job done perfectly. Blues go on about their feelings and Reds get to the point. Get the picture? Reds, we know it can be frustrating for you to maintain and/or foster relationships with Blues, but odds are there are several Blues in your life you want to maintain your relationship with. So instead of getting fed up with the process, listen closely. We’re here to pro
Read MoreBlues, we want your goal for today to be to let go! Do you find yourself regularly piling too much on your own and/or others’ plates? Then please see above! When you go to make your to-do list tomorrow, allow yourself to leave a few items unchecked without beating yourself up. When you ask your kids to get a job done, don’t yell at them for not doing it according to your unrealistic standards. Ask yourself on any given day if your expectations are too high, and if they are, take it down a notch! We promise your life will be easier! :) — The Color Code Team
Read MoreWouldn’t it feel great if our significant others, parents, kids, friends and/or coworkers met the needs that come with our personality? Each personality type comes with its own set of needs, but no one will know how to meet the needs of their loved ones if they don’t know what their needs are. Today, we are going to identify the needs of the Yellow personality and educate those who know Yellows (it should be all of us!) on what they can do to meet those Yellow needs. Ready? Let’s go! Yellows need to look good socially. Yellows are sociable and charismatic. If it seems like your Yellow friends are trying to be the center of attention too
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Parenting is difficult, challenging and frustrating, but it’s also wonderful and rewarding. It’s especially great when our kids show their strengths. Of course, between the day-to-day hustle and bustle it may be hard to notice all the great things about our children. Each of our children have strengths and limitations, and although the limitations are frustrating, the strengths are beautiful. Today we want to focus on highlighting some strengths children with Blue personalities have in the hopes that by recognizing their strengths, you can foster more gratitude as a parent. Here we go!
Blue children are proper and Read MoreMy son is only 4 years old, but I can tell you right now he is a Red personality. Thankfully I've had the Color Code in my life since before he was born so what would have DEFINITELY upset me without having a prior knowledge of Motive now has become a matter of amusement, appreciation and guidance. That's the big gift of Color Code for parents as far as I can see it. It gives us tools to speak our kids' languages and see where they're coming from instead of wanting to kill them at times. ;) So, with that in mind, for today's post I thought I would share with you five tips that seem to do wonders in the lives of a Red child and his/her paren
Read MoreJust like every other color, Yellow children come with natural strengths and natural limitations. Obviously, the strengths are great while the limitations can be frustrating. But don't worry, we're here to help! In this article, we will mention some of the limitations Yellows have as children and offer advice on the things you should or shouldn’t do as parents to maintain the best relationship you can with your child in spite of these sometimes frustrating limitations. Yellow children tease siblings constantly If they’ve got Blue siblings, this can be especially tough! However, to have the best relationship with a Yellow, you
Read MoreParenting is exhausting as it is, and if you are the parent of a Red child, you may find yourself in over your head as you learn to handle some of their difficult limitations. As children, Reds can be poor listeners, defiant and resisting of control, critical of their parents and demanding and manipulative of their parents to get their way. Are you pulling out your hair yet? Yes, Red children have limitations that will aggravate their parents, however, they also have some fantastic strengths. If you’re raising a Red and are wanting to focus on the positive in them, take a look at these strengths Red children possess. Red children communica
Read MoreIn our last “Ask the Expert” post, Jeremy Daniel responded to a woman who wanted to know what strengths she brought as a parent as a Red. This woman said she was very well aware of her limitations. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Parenting is the hardest job in the world, and it may be very easy to see your limitations as a parent while being somewhat blind to your strengths. I have two wonderful parents, one Blue and one Yellow. As a Blue myself, it’s very helpful to have a Blue mom who is sensitive to my emotional needs and who appreciates and understands me. I could go on and on about the strengths she’s brought to our family
Read MoreYou know that moment when someone irks you and you snap back an angry retort, only to wish you could take it back seconds after you say it? A lot of us say things we regret frequently and maybe wish we could just learn to keep our mouths shut. For those who are nodding their head, let’s step out of our own lives for a minute and learn how to be more like the personality type who emulates qualities we so wish we had: The Whites. Whites are the peaceful, calm, kind people among us. And though they have limitations like the rest of us, they have really admirable strengths. In this article, we will explore some of those strengths so us Yellows
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