
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

March 21, 2017

Admiring and Learning From the White Personality

You know that moment when someone irks you and you snap back an angry retort, only to wish you could take it back seconds after you say it? A lot of us say things we regret frequently and maybe wish we could just learn to keep our mouths shut. For those who are nodding their head, let’s step out of our own lives for a minute and learn how to be more like the personality type who emulates qualities we so wish we had: The Whites.

Whites are the peaceful, calm, kind people among us. And though they have limitations like the rest of us, they have really admirable strengths. In this article, we will explore some of those strengths so us Yellows, Blues and Reds can appreciate and hopefully replicate them.

Whites are accepting

Have you ever had that friend who you could talk to without being judged or with whom you felt didn’t expect you to be more than simply who you are? There’s a good chance either their primary or secondary color was White. Whites have the easiest time of all the colors being friends with each of the four personalities. Whites are able to find the good in anyone, so accepting others is easy for them. People like the fact that Whites have minimal expectations of others. Whites value others for their diversity, and in return, people seek their nonjudgmental companionship. Whites like doing just about anything with anyone in any place.

Whites are diplomatic

Whites move quietly through life with an easy, unruffled style. They work to obtain a peaceful coexistence among all things living. Whites are very compatible with almost everyone they encounter because they have a gentle diplomacy that normally shines through. Do you have any friends who seem to get along easily with difficult personalities or at least personalities that are difficult for you to get along with? They may be a White! Whites are the only color that can score 25 percent on each color of the Color Code profile. Their fluidity allows them to embrace other colors’ gifts, but their innate core remains peace.

Whites are peaceful

Whites are amazing peacemakers. They sincerely believe in the value of diplomacy and they diligently seek to promote cooperation at all costs. It confuses them when people fight over petty issues. They don’t want to start fights. The social media world would benefit from more Whites. We’ve likely all witnessed awkward, resentful fights about politics, religion or maybe even what so-and-so wore to the Grammy’s on Facebook and it’s amazing what people say to each other behind a screen. The Whites are the ones staying out of it and surely enjoying their day far more than everyone else because of it!

Whites are tolerant and patient

Whites feel it is important for them to hear and see all sides of an issue before forming their opinion. What an admirable quality! Therefore, they invite differences of opinion where other personalities don’t. They are a lot less biased than other personalities, so they are able to enjoy a large variety of people and preferences without prejudice. Whites are charitable about others’ motives and choices despite the negative impact said motives and choices may have on them.

Maybe you knew Whites were great, but did you know how amazing they can be?! Our world is a much better place because of the White personalities in our midst. They’re not going to show off their qualities, so it’s important that we recognize and value them. Next time you’re wrapped up in an argument, think about what a White would do, and you’ll come out on top! Hopefully by learning about and trying to apply these qualities in your own life, you will be happier individuals!

-The Color Code Team