
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

May 6, 2022


Your Color Code personality type can determine a lot of interesting things, such as whether you are easily depressed, have a casual approach to life, a critical one or if you’re careful or carefree. It can also determine things that might cause you anxiety. To give you an idea, here are a few things to consider. REDS: Need to look good technically, be right, and be respected. They are strong leaders and love challenges. You may experience anxiety if any of your preferences are lacking, or if you are unable to meet your personal or professional expectations. BLUES: Need to have integrity and be appreciated. They are focused on quali

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March 30, 2022

Redefining Happiness at Work Using Our Color Code Toolbox

Are you happy at work? Are we supposed to be? Don’t scroll yet.

What if we took that “happy” word that has so many meanings and consider this: what would happen if we took a different approach and planned for the pursuit of purpose while recognizing how we can find strength in our collective differences to improve our happiness?

Let me be clear. False happiness is worse than no happiness at all. If you are a person who is still working on finding your purpose, you are not alone. Even more, if you are not a “naturally sunshiney” personality, I would offer that greater self-awareness le

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March 23, 2022

Brightening the World through our Innate Color Code Gifts

In March 2007, Van and I had been training out West and were traveling back to Missouri. We were really, really hungry for an old-fashioned hamburger and had stopped several times along the way looking for one of those “greasy, hole-in-the-wall” kind of places, but we couldn’t seem to find one.    We stopped at an old truck stop on the Missouri/Iowa line to buy a bag of M&M’s and a cup of coffee. Much to our surprise, when we walked into the truck stop, we were met with a most wonderful fragrance: the smell of “the old-fashioned hamburger” we had been looking for the past 200 miles. We were so excited! We knew we had fou

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March 9, 2022

Do This One Thing Every day For A Better Life. Guaranteed.

GRATITUDE If you're thinking that I'm being cheesy or a little too "Pollyanna" about this - please hear me out. There is a scientific foundation for what I'm saying. Psychologist Robert Emmons has been researching gratitude from a scientific perspective for over 15 years. The following is a list of benefits that have been linked to increased levels of gratitude: Improved physical, emotional, and social well-being Greater optimism and happiness Improved feelings of connection in times of loss or crises Increased self-esteem Heightened energy levels Strengthened heart, immune system and decreased blood pressure

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March 2, 2022

Harry Potter and the Color Code Conflict

I’m a big Harry Potter fan. I own the audiobooks, two sets of the series printed in Britain, one set printed in America, a Russian version and a Chinese version. What can I say, I am a nerd. I’ve even found myself in conversations relating Harry Potter to the Color Code. My brother once asked me to quick code each of the four Hogwarts houses into the four personality types. Of course, I sorted the resourceful, power-hungry Reds into Slytherin, the adventurous, fun-loving Yellows into Gryffindor, the peacemaking, easygoing Whites into Hufflepuff and the responsible, perfectionistic Blues into Ravenclaw.


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February 23, 2022

Organized, not overwhelmed: Tips for Yellows

Let’s Get Organized!  Oh, how we love our Yellows! The enthusiasm and energy these fun-loving creatures bring into our lives make the world that much more of an enjoyable place to be. With the world being such a fun-filled adventure, Yellows need the freedom to experience creativity in a work environment that maximizes their opportunities.     Yellows are unique individuals and need to be organized in their own way. Even if you don’t understand their rhyme or reason, Yellows must have a degree of autonomy to build out their tasks for the day. I do recommend that when giving Yellows this freedom, refrain from barking at them t

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February 2, 2022

Reds and Blues At Work — Power vs. Intimacy

Red: “Do what I say, and we'll get along just fine.” Blue: “Tell me you appreciate me, and I'll walk to the ends of the earth for you.” Welcome to the complicated relationship of Reds and Blues. A relationship combination that you've probably heard us lovingly refer to in the past as "Blood, Sweat, and Tears."   Truthfully, we could talk about this combination for hours, but for the sake of time, this article will focus on one particular tendency of the relationship blend and why it can cause problems if left unchecked: The tendency that neither Reds nor Blues typically offer (at least for very long) what the other perso

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January 26, 2022

Book Review: Playing Life to Win by Taylor Hartman

As a Transformational & Intentional Creativity Life Coach, I am a fan of self-help books.  Many are full of very insightful perspectives and insights that have shifted my thinking, and some have truly been a catalyst for significant healing in my life. And I’m not alone. It’s estimated that the self-help industry will reach $14 billion by 2025.  Despite my being a fan of self-help books, there is one thing that gnaws at me about many of them. Many of them overlook that we’re not all the same. They give cookie-cutter solutions versus giving tools or recommendations based on understanding who we are as individuals (i.e., what's good

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January 19, 2022

Personality Colors and Dealing with Change

Many organizations have restructured at some point in their history.  Some do it regularly.  Where I work, it was never done, which made this series of events I’m about to tell you about even more impactful.  Our Color Code make up greatly affects how we deal with change.  Let’s go back to February 2020.  Do you remember what it was like back then?  The world had not yet been flipped upside down by Covid.  No lockdowns, no working from home, no constant state of change. I was working in a team of eight people, with several contract employees and the rest seasoned training professionals. Our corporate director met with us about s

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January 5, 2022

Maintaining Personal Peace in a Turbulent World

I saw a meme the other day that made me laugh and also rang pretty true. It said, “Nobody claim 2022 as ‘your year.’ We’re all going to walk in real slow. Be good. Be quiet. Be cautious and respectful. Don’t touch anything.” Doesn’t that just sound like wisdom from a White personality? It’s safe to say the pandemic has been a nightmare for all of us in one way or another. The Blues desperately missed building deep, in-person connections with loved ones. Yellows missed all the parties and sociability.  Reds, who were used to living in a fast-paced world, had to learn how to slow down a little. For the Whites, one of the

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