Whites are wonderful. There is no denying that. They are kind, even-tempered, accepting, inventive and balanced, among other great qualities. Anyone who doesn’t have a healthy White in their life needs to drop what they’re doing and go seek a White friend. You’ll thank us later.
Of course, we could brag about Whites all day, but what good would it do if we only ever talked about the strengths of every color? Although it can be discouraging to hear about our limitations, it’s essential for character growth. Whites are timid, inexpressive and they avoid conflict. They can also be boring and uninvolved. It might sting a Read MoreParenting is exhausting as it is, and if you are the parent of a Red child, you may find yourself in over your head as you learn to handle some of their difficult limitations. As children, Reds can be poor listeners, defiant and resisting of control, critical of their parents and demanding and manipulative of their parents to get their way. Are you pulling out your hair yet? Yes, Red children have limitations that will aggravate their parents, however, they also have some fantastic strengths. If you’re raising a Red and are wanting to focus on the positive in them, take a look at these strengths Red children possess. Red children communica
Read MoreIn our last “Ask the Expert” post, Jeremy Daniel responded to a woman who wanted to know what strengths she brought as a parent as a Red. This woman said she was very well aware of her limitations. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Parenting is the hardest job in the world, and it may be very easy to see your limitations as a parent while being somewhat blind to your strengths. I have two wonderful parents, one Blue and one Yellow. As a Blue myself, it’s very helpful to have a Blue mom who is sensitive to my emotional needs and who appreciates and understands me. I could go on and on about the strengths she’s brought to our family
Read MoreAs humans, we seem to thrive on to-do lists of sorts. We make to-do lists for our days and bucket lists for our lives. We set New Year’s resolutions, we have planners and organizational apps. You may feel like you don’t need another list, but the Blues out there may find this is one that adds value to their life and their journey of becoming a better or happier person. Five Things Blues Should Do Before They’re 30 1. Create something uniquely personal Blues usually struggle to believe in their own creative talents. They are so self-doubting and demanding of themselves that they often hide their skills and abilities because th
Read MoreYou know that moment when someone irks you and you snap back an angry retort, only to wish you could take it back seconds after you say it? A lot of us say things we regret frequently and maybe wish we could just learn to keep our mouths shut. For those who are nodding their head, let’s step out of our own lives for a minute and learn how to be more like the personality type who emulates qualities we so wish we had: The Whites. Whites are the peaceful, calm, kind people among us. And though they have limitations like the rest of us, they have really admirable strengths. In this article, we will explore some of those strengths so us Yellows
Read MoreDear Jeremy, As a high Red, What sorts of positive traits do I bring to parenting? (I'm very well aware of the obstacles/negative traits). I really struggle to feel fulfilled at home with little kids, especially because I have a high-powered job that I find exciting and challenging ... but I also want to be happy on the weekends when I'm home with my kids! Thanks!! Lisa C. ==================== Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for asking this question! I've been married to a wonderful Red for over 18 years. We have four kids who adore her; however, sometimes she doesn't see the same value in herself as they see in her. Sound familiar? So, I
Read MoreAs more and more companies are using personality tests as recruitment and management tools, the question arises, “Do these tests profile?” According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of profile includes, “…the extent to which an individual exhibits traits or abilities as determined by tests or ratings.” So, in the very strict sense of the word, the answer is yes. However, the way in which the question is asked often indicates that personality testing is negative and intrusive — a violation of our most personal self, and perhaps that is the issue that should be addressed. What Color Code profiles is a person’s innate persona
Read MoreWhen I was four years old, my family moved to a new city and I found myself invited to a Valentine’s Day party attended by new, unfamiliar faces. While at the party, a timid, Blue/White me steadfastly stayed by my mother’s side, too shy to try to make new friends. As the story goes, a little girl, noticing my timidity and hearing my plight of being “the new kid,” marched up to my mom and I and stated confidently, “I’ll take care of her!” I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that child was a Red. And true to her bold declaration, she did take care of me and has continued to do so for the last 21 years. Yes, I am a Blue and my b
Read MoreIt’s hard not to love a healthy Yellow. Even if you can’t keep up with their spontaneity, they sure are fun to have around. Yellows love life, which is something a lot of people hope to achieve. While every color has many qualities to admire, today’s post will focus on what we can learn from the Yellow personality. For the worried Blue readers out there, the intense Red readers and the indifferent White readers, let’s take a page out of a Yellow’s book and learn more about why life is so fun for them. Yellows are fun-loving The Yellow Driving Core Motive is fun. Yellows properly define fun. Fun means enjoying someo
Read MoreThe Driving Core Motive of a Blue personality is intimacy. They want to connect with you! In return, they NEED to be understood. This may prove difficult for others to do because Blues are highly complex people. They are simultaneously sensitive, intense, caring, critical, giving and unforgiving. Regardless of their complexity, it is worthwhile to pursue a connection with a Blue. Life cannot bestow on anyone a more gratifying reward than the sincere appreciation and trust of a Blue friend, coworker or family member. To help you develop a positive connection with Blues, we’d like to provide you with some “Dos” and “D
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