The pandemic has been hard on everyone, and we have all coped in different ways. The Reds have worked through their list of home projects, even though it was challenging at times to get supplies. The Blues turn off the news to avoid the constant barrage of suffering. (As a Blue, I couldn’t listen to the numbers going up, the quarantine extensions, etc.) For the White personalities, this was an opportunity to embrace their natural tendencies. My White-personality son was happy taking his college courses online. He never left the house unless absolutely necessary. But for my 15-year-old daughter, a Yellow, things were really tough. In
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Many of the world’s most successful business people such as John D. Rockefeller and Jack Ma as well as renowned psychologists and researchers including John Mayer, Peter Salovey, and Daniel Goleman, have for years touted the importance of emotional intelligence in leaders as a critical factor for a company’s success.
But what about the rest of those at a company?
Does increased emotional intelligence in managers, employees, and staff directly translate into more effective, higher producing, and happier teams at work?
In an article titled “What Makes a Leader,” written for The Harvard Business Review, D
Read MoreA few weeks ago, a student of the Color Code asked me a great question. She said, "I'm loving learning about how to adapt to work more effectively with each of the four Color Code styles, but I'm finding it difficult constantly trying to act like a Red for one co-worker and then switch into Yellow mode for somebody else. Does it get easier to present as each of the colors over time???" While I applauded her commitment to applying what she'd been learning, I could tell she was seriously stressed over the idea of having to know everybody's Color Code all the time and constantly trying to switch her style conversation by conversation. As the r
Read MoreYellows and Blues are so opposite, it’s kind of comical. Yellows are carefree while Blues are professional worriers. Yellows are uncommitted and Blues are very committed. Yellows are self-centered and Blues are compassionate. These two colors are quite the opposite pair! For you Yellows out there who are married to or good friends with a Blue, it’s probably hard for you to understand them sometimes. If you don’t quite always know how to handle them, here are a few things you can do to treat your Blue loved ones right and help them stay sane. 1. Help them see their worries in perspective Worrying is tough for poor Blues, even though th
Read MoreOn our recent Facebook post where we asked Reds what the hardest part about being a Red is, we noticed multiple comments from Reds saying the hardest part about being a Red is zipping their lips. In other words, several commenters talked about how it is hard to keep their mouths shut. Since several of our Facebook users mentioned this challenge, we thought we’d offer a few suggestions that may help you refrain from speaking too hastily. 1. Think About Other People’s Feelings First One of our commenters mentioned the hardest part about being a Red is, “trying not to hurt people's feelings with my direct opinions all the time – keepin
Read MoreTry on their shoes... ...metaphorically speaking that is. Let us explain. If you've been reading our blog or are a fan of the Color Code you probably already know that the "antidote" to any personality limitation you may have will always be found in a strength of one of the other personality types. That's why we stress the importance of knowing as much as possible about all the colors. So with that in mind, today might we offer a small tip on how to tap into the compassion that comes so naturally to our Blue friends? It's so simple you're probably going to dismiss it, but we encourage you to take a moment this w
Read MoreOne of the Time Management Tips for Whites from the Color Code Cards is to “set proactive agendas rather than reacting to agendas others set for you.” This is something I need to work on. Although I’m a core Blue, I have a lot of White, and I struggle to be a little too satisfied with letting other people do the planning while I just do the participating. Growing up, my very Blue mother was fantastic at making fun plans for the family. I was always happy to go along for the ride. Now, my Yellow husband is good at planning fun things for us to do. Once again, I’m happy to let him do it. However, I’ve realized letting other people
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Yellows can be pretty fun to buy gifts for. Their enthusiasm plays its part well in gift situations, which can make it fun for the gift giver. If you suspect your child is a Yellow, it may not be hard to pick out gifts for them, especially if the gift is fun. However, gift giving is all the more fun when you feel you have an idea that will make the recipient glow with joy. If your Yellow child has a birthday coming up, here are four gift ideas that will hopefully tickle their love of fun.
1. Surprise them with a puppy. Is there anything more fun than a puppy? ;) Surprising kids with pets is a classic, possibly cliche, but me Read MoreWhich of the four Color Code personality styles tends to be the most loving? Tricky question, isn't it? ... But I get that kind of thing a lot. I think some people want to jump to a conclusion and say that Blues are the most loving. My guess is that they do this because we associate Blues as being the most caring, thoughtful, etc. While it is true that those particular personality strengths are most common for Blues, I submit to you that each of the four Colors expresses love in different—though equally significant—ways. Therefore, our position is that no Color is naturally more "loving" than any other Color. Let's take a look at how
Read MoreEach of us either knows a Red personality or is a Red personality. And while some of the readers out there may know the Red’s strengths and weaknesses, they may not understand their wants and needs. Today, we want to focus on the Red needs in hopes that you can understand them better and know how to treat their personality. Reds Need to Look Good Technically Reds need to be able to stand their own ground intellectually. When a Red is faced with a new project, they will do all the research necessary to become knowledgeable in the subject matter. They don’t go to meetings unprepared. Going on vacations with them will be a
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