
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

April 20, 2017

Learning to Overcome White Limitations

Although I am a core Blue personality, I scored almost just as much White on the Color Code assessment. This means that although I definitely feel like a Blue, I also greatly identify with the White personality. In some respects, this is great, because I can pinpoint the natural strengths I have from both the Blue and the White personalities. However, it also means I deal with natural limitations from both personalities, which makes it harder to become charactered since I have to learn to overcome my Blue and my White limitations. I’m definitely far from perfect when it comes to overcoming my White limitations, but I do have experience try

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April 18, 2017

3 Essential Steps for Healthy Personal Change

Have you ever seen this kind of story play out either in your own life or in somebody else's? Let's say there's a woman named Nicole who is unhappy with life. She just really doesn't feel very successful, so she vows to change. She ends up taking massive action and focusing like she never has before. Things start to change for Nicole, and she starts stacking up victories. Her persistence eventually leads her to achieve great financial success! ...But she's still not happy, and she can't figure out what went wrong. Do you know someone like Nicole? My guess is that you've probably seen something like that played out before. Of course, the s

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April 13, 2017

Raising Reds — Five Tips for Parenting Your Red Child Like a Pro!

My son is only 4 years old, but I can tell you right now he is a Red personality. Thankfully I've had the Color Code in my life since before he was born so what would have DEFINITELY upset me without having a prior knowledge of Motive now has become a matter of amusement, appreciation and guidance. That's the big gift of Color Code for parents as far as I can see it. It gives us tools to speak our kids' languages and see where they're coming from instead of wanting to kill them at times. ;) So, with that in mind, for today's post I thought I would share with you five tips that seem to do wonders in the lives of a Red child and his/her paren

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April 11, 2017

Improving Your Relationship With Your Yellow Child

Just like every other color, Yellow children come with natural strengths and natural limitations. Obviously, the strengths are great while the limitations can be frustrating. But don't worry, we're here to help!   In this article, we will mention some of the limitations Yellows have as children and offer advice on the things you should or shouldn’t do as parents to maintain the best relationship you can with your child in spite of these sometimes frustrating limitations. Yellow children tease siblings constantly   If they’ve got Blue siblings, this can be especially tough! However, to have the best relationship with a Yellow, you

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April 6, 2017

4 Tips to Help Blues Combat Their Worry

The other day I came across some literature of ours that says: “One Blue man finally gave up worry in his eighties. He told me he had worried needlessly all his life and it had cost him dearly. Most of what he worried about never happened, yet he had robbed himself of enjoying the present moment for so many years. He said that he finally woke up one day and said to himself, ‘No more! If it hasn’t happened to me by now, chances are it won’t ever happen. So let it go!’ And he did. He had paid his debt in time and energy and was finally free simply to be.”

That passage both resonated with me and sca

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April 4, 2017

Five Things Whites Should Do Before They’re Thirty

Whites are wonderful. There is no denying that. They are kind, even-tempered, accepting, inventive and balanced, among other great qualities. Anyone who doesn’t have a healthy White in their life needs to drop what they’re doing and go seek a White friend. You’ll thank us later.

Of course, we could brag about Whites all day, but what good would it do if we only ever talked about the strengths of every color? Although it can be discouraging to hear about our limitations, it’s essential for character growth. Whites are timid, inexpressive and they avoid conflict. They can also be boring and uninvolved. It might sting a

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March 30, 2017

Recognizing the Good in Your Red Child

Parenting is exhausting as it is, and if you are the parent of a Red child, you may find yourself in over your head as you learn to handle some of their difficult limitations. As children, Reds can be poor listeners, defiant and resisting of control, critical of their parents and demanding and manipulative of their parents to get their way. Are you pulling out your hair yet? Yes, Red children have limitations that will aggravate their parents, however, they also have some fantastic strengths. If you’re raising a Red and are wanting to focus on the positive in them, take a look at these strengths Red children possess. Red children communica

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March 28, 2017

5 Ways Yellow Parents Are Awesome

In our last “Ask the Expert” post, Jeremy Daniel responded to a woman who wanted to know what strengths she brought as a parent as a Red. This woman said she was very well aware of her limitations. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Parenting is the hardest job in the world, and it may be very easy to see your limitations as a parent while being somewhat blind to your strengths. I have two wonderful parents, one Blue and one Yellow. As a Blue myself, it’s very helpful to have a Blue mom who is sensitive to my emotional needs and who appreciates and understands me. I could go on and on about the strengths she’s brought to our family

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March 23, 2017

Five Things Blues Should Do Before They’re 30

As humans, we seem to thrive on to-do lists of sorts. We make to-do lists for our days and bucket lists for our lives. We set New Year’s resolutions, we have planners and organizational apps. You may feel like you don’t need another list, but the Blues out there may find this is one that adds value to their life and their journey of becoming a better or happier person. Five Things Blues Should Do Before They’re 30   1. Create something uniquely personal Blues usually struggle to believe in their own creative talents. They are so self-doubting and demanding of themselves that they often hide their skills and abilities because th

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March 21, 2017

Admiring and Learning From the White Personality

You know that moment when someone irks you and you snap back an angry retort, only to wish you could take it back seconds after you say it? A lot of us say things we regret frequently and maybe wish we could just learn to keep our mouths shut. For those who are nodding their head, let’s step out of our own lives for a minute and learn how to be more like the personality type who emulates qualities we so wish we had: The Whites. Whites are the peaceful, calm, kind people among us. And though they have limitations like the rest of us, they have really admirable strengths. In this article, we will explore some of those strengths so us Yellows

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