I saw a meme the other day that made me laugh and also rang pretty true. It said, “Nobody claim 2022 as ‘your year.’ We’re all going to walk in real slow. Be good. Be quiet. Be cautious and respectful. Don’t touch anything.” Doesn’t that just sound like wisdom from a White personality? It’s safe to say the pandemic has been a nightmare for all of us in one way or another. The Blues desperately missed building deep, in-person connections with loved ones. Yellows missed all the parties and sociability. Reds, who were used to living in a fast-paced world, had to learn how to slow down a little. For the Whites, one of the
Read MoreIt goes without saying that 2020 was a year that we won't ever forget, but there is now some light at the end of the tunnel. The question is, after a year of fear, grief, and solitude, how will we handle a new normal? Now, halfway into 2021, we see some light at the end of the long, dark tunnel. Many of us are apprehensive, asking ourselves what that light brings. What is the new normal? THE NEW WORKPLACE For some of us, it's time to put away the PJs and sweats, squeeze into our office attire, and head back to the brick and mortar of our jobs. For others, it's possible that your company has embraced the idea of remote working and pla
Read MoreWhen I first started using the Color Code in my team-building trainings, I was imparting to individuals this magnificent tool that establishes motive and gives you ideas to help with people unlike you. Each personality type has a bright side and a ‘not so bright’ side. I’ve witnessed team-building exercises be so helpful for leaders because once they know their company's color portfolio, they have an easier time when team members come to discuss their problems. Usually, they don’t drop in with how happy they are and how great their job is! So my question to you in the midst of this global shuffle we have been experiencing (i.e.
Read MoreThe pandemic has been hard on everyone, and we have all coped in different ways. The Reds have worked through their list of home projects, even though it was challenging at times to get supplies. The Blues turn off the news to avoid the constant barrage of suffering. (As a Blue, I couldn’t listen to the numbers going up, the quarantine extensions, etc.) For the White personalities, this was an opportunity to embrace their natural tendencies. My White-personality son was happy taking his college courses online. He never left the house unless absolutely necessary. But for my 15-year-old daughter, a Yellow, things were really tough. In
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It’s been more than a year since the Happiest Place on Earth closed its doors due to COVID-19 precautions, but at the end of this month, Disneyland will open its enchanted gates once again...for California residents. Those of us unlucky enough to live outside the Golden State only get to imagine the taste of Dole Whip, the smell of Pirates of the Caribbean (it’s a thing, I promise), and the beauty of the castle lit up after dark. However, we will all be welcomed back to that happy place eventually, and when we are, we need to be prepared to optimize our vacation according to our personalities. The Reds will gear up to get the high sc
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