Recently, the Color Code team was challenged with this scenario: "I am a Red...I live with my husband and daughter who are both true Blue. They love to sit around and 'complain' about everything and drives me crazy! Always sounds like they are negative, but they say they are not. On the other hand, I love a good debate...I call enlightening conversation, they think I want to argue all the time, but I just like swapping ideas! How do we enjoy each other's style of conversation without frustration?!" As a Red daughter with a Blue mother, this scenario connected. I’m convinced my late father was a Red too, so when we
Read MoreIt’s common Color Code knowledge that Whites dislike conflict and confrontation. Whites are motivated by peace and since peace isn’t exactly the root of conflict, you can see why it could make Whites cringe. Although Whites don’t like conflict, we as humans actually really need them to engage in it with us. Why? Because some of the White strengths are actually really beneficial during conflict. Whites, keep reading to discover how some of your strengths can be assets during conflict and confrontation. Whites are kind Other personalities may get so caught up in the heat and emotion of conflict that they forget to be kind. How many times
Read MoreColor Code Tips For Parenting Lately, my Facebook friends and relatives who have small children have been bemoaning the summer ahead. “What am I going to do with my children!!!?” they ask (with multiple exclamation points and frowny faces.) My heart goes out to them. For example: I LOVE my grandkids. LOVE them. Really. LOVE them. I spoil them, they amuse me, and I know I am not responsible for building character— exponentially increasing my enjoyment. But, I must confess that most times I am relieved to see them bundled up safely in their little car seats and headed for home. These poor parents do not have the luxury of
Read MoreThe 4 “F’s” – How the 4 Colors Avoid Facing the Truth and Avoid Conflicts - Rosalie D. Gibbons, MFT and Gloria Manchester, CTACC “The Heart in Forgiveness” is a process designed by the writers to support you in releasing childhood hurts or other disappointments, regrets, or failures so that you can move forward in your life. As Oprah Winfrey has said, “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.” When someone offends, betrays, or deceives us, it is natural to feel frustrated, angry, hurt, and resentful. Our attention and focus zeroes in on the source of our injury, and we rapidly begin buil
Read MoreSITUATION: The CEO of a software company met with her vice presidents to plan the agenda for the annual all-employee meeting. The purpose of the meeting each year is to update and energize the 120 employees of the organization. The CEO’s address is the capstone of the meeting. One vice president conducted the meeting and it all progressed according to plan until the website update came up. The woman giving the update had worked with the company less than six months. However, she was very experienced, well spoken and clear in her presentation. The sales team started asking questions one after another with increasing criticism about the new d
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