First Off, The Two Blue Parents — A Bit Of History We met about 40 years ago and got acquainted by way of introduction. My friend mentioned to me that there was this girl…so off I went with him on this girl-finding mission. We met and got to know each other better, finding over the course of a few short visits that we had a lot of common interests. She was from Eastern Canada, and I from the West, some 1600 or so miles apart. Feeling homesick, she decided to go back to her Eastern stomping grounds. I let her go without much being said or done to prevent her from going back. Of course, letter writing was part of the deal, b
Read MoreHigh school seniors, in October, right after lunch. As teachers, we understand what this means as far as classroom dynamics go for about the first 5 to 10 minutes of class. Students go off campus, load up on sugars and carbohydrates, chat in the parking lot with friends, conjure up the next plan for the weekend events, commentary on social media, and have a moment of disconnect from the demands of performing on AP assignments and exams and college preparation as well as maintaining a work-school-home balance. It was this class that prompted the utilization of Color Code as I recognized a disconnect with clique-like groups that had form
Read MorePicture this: Two people are in love, and since one of them had been married before, they endeavor to do all the right things and plan pastoral premarital counseling. They failed every test. The pastor said, “Are you sure you want to do this? The couple said, “Yes!” And they did. Several years later, they were listening to a speaker talk about the Color Code personality test. The woman enthusiastically said to the man, “I’m a Red, you’re a White, and this explains EVERYTHING!” Less than two years later, I (yes, the woman is me) certified as a Color Code personality trainer. Knowing Color Code was a game-changer
Read MoreThe pandemic has been hard on everyone, and we have all coped in different ways. The Reds have worked through their list of home projects, even though it was challenging at times to get supplies. The Blues turn off the news to avoid the constant barrage of suffering. (As a Blue, I couldn’t listen to the numbers going up, the quarantine extensions, etc.) For the White personalities, this was an opportunity to embrace their natural tendencies. My White-personality son was happy taking his college courses online. He never left the house unless absolutely necessary. But for my 15-year-old daughter, a Yellow, things were really tough. In
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Over the past 8 months, I have occasionally been responsible for home-schooling my 9-year old twin grandsons.
My takeaway from this experience is that I chose the right career path. I am NOT a teacher, and I’m sending a great big shout out to all those who chose teaching as their career path. You are my heroes and here is why:
I am only teaching two kids! According to, the average primary school class size in America is 20. That means, based on Color Code demographics, teachers average 5 Reds, 7 Blues, 4 Whites, and 4 Yellows in their classes. Imagine teaching that many kids with such varyin
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Yellows can be pretty fun to buy gifts for. Their enthusiasm plays its part well in gift situations, which can make it fun for the gift giver. If you suspect your child is a Yellow, it may not be hard to pick out gifts for them, especially if the gift is fun. However, gift giving is all the more fun when you feel you have an idea that will make the recipient glow with joy. If your Yellow child has a birthday coming up, here are four gift ideas that will hopefully tickle their love of fun.
1. Surprise them with a puppy. Is there anything more fun than a puppy? ;) Surprising kids with pets is a classic, possibly cliche, but me Read MoreEach of us either knows a Red personality or is a Red personality. And while some of the readers out there may know the Red’s strengths and weaknesses, they may not understand their wants and needs. Today, we want to focus on the Red needs in hopes that you can understand them better and know how to treat their personality. Reds Need to Look Good Technically Reds need to be able to stand their own ground intellectually. When a Red is faced with a new project, they will do all the research necessary to become knowledgeable in the subject matter. They don’t go to meetings unprepared. Going on vacations with them will be a
Read MoreHistorically both elementary and secondary schools have existed primarily to support analytical intelligence commonly referred to as “book smarts." And, while this is a very good thing, more and more studies are finding that this is not the entire recipe for a well-rounded and intelligent individual. Enter Social and Emotional Learning (or SEL for short). Social and Emotional Learning, defined as life skills which include how to interact with others and manage one’s own emotions, is slowly finding its way into classrooms across the world and making a BIG impact as mentioned, for example, in an article¹ by Daniel Goleman: "The data sh
Read MoreIf there are any Reds out there who haven’t been frustrated with a Blue at some point or another, we would be shocked. Reds and Blues are very different personalities. Reds are insensitive, while Blues are too sensitive. Reds want to get the job done and Blues want to get the job done perfectly. Blues go on about their feelings and Reds get to the point. Get the picture? Reds, we know it can be frustrating for you to maintain and/or foster relationships with Blues, but odds are there are several Blues in your life you want to maintain your relationship with. So instead of getting fed up with the process, listen closely. We’re here to pro
Read MoreBlues, we want your goal for today to be to let go! Do you find yourself regularly piling too much on your own and/or others’ plates? Then please see above! When you go to make your to-do list tomorrow, allow yourself to leave a few items unchecked without beating yourself up. When you ask your kids to get a job done, don’t yell at them for not doing it according to your unrealistic standards. Ask yourself on any given day if your expectations are too high, and if they are, take it down a notch! We promise your life will be easier! :) — The Color Code Team
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