
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

May 11, 2015

Electronic Messages—Reading Between the Lines

“Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. ”  -Carol Burnett We live in an age where a large percentage of our communications are done via email and texts. It is convenient and for some, a great time saver. The problem is, how are your messages interpreted? Without body language to provide insight in the delivery, a misinterpreted written communication might leave the recipient feeling slighted, criticized, or belittled. An unanswered email or text might make a person feel that they are being ignored, or worse, that the recipient is angry over the content of the message. All of this can

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May 11, 2015

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I profiled as a Red. I don't think that is a bad thing to be, but now my family thinks that the Red is all that I am. They think I'm controlling and unkind. What do I do to convince them that I have many layers? Yours truly, "Red" ==================== Dear "Red", What a great question! Speaking of layers, I see a few in your question and comments that I would like to address here. Certainly being Red is not a bad thing at all! Every Color has wonderful strengths that should be openly shared and celebrated. It is also true that every Color has terrible limitations that should be regularly evaluated and addressed as well. A

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March 30, 2015

Ask the Expert

Mr. Jeremy- Hello. My name is Emma, and I am a Blue. When I received my test results I noticed that Blues have a lot of needs to be fulfilled. They need to be appreciated, to be understood, be kind to, etc. However, I don't feel like I'm getting these needs met. I also don't know how to ask for them, because I feel like that is imposing too much on other busy people. Is there a way I can either eliminate these needs or fulfill them myself? If not, how do I ask for these needs to be met? I don't want to impose on others or scare them off because I'm needy. Thanks. ========== Dear Emma, Thank you so much for writing in with your excellent

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March 9, 2015

Ask the Expert

"My name is Ellen--I'm a White" This month's Ask the Expert article comes from a series of questions submitted by one of our subscribers, "Ellen". Her actual email, while excellent, is too long to post here, however, we have summarized key questions in the responses below. ==================== Hello, Ellen. Thank you so much for your email, and your excellent questions! I hope that my responses will be helpful to you. I’d like to address three of your main questions here in that hope: Q: Do you have any advice for Whites on “success in a solo business setup”? (You mentioned feeling that business seems out of Character for a White.)

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January 19, 2015

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I have a concern and could use some advice. I'm a strong blue. I work as a nurse and deal with Red personalities at times. As you can guess, these Reds come in the form of doctors. I have one doctor currently who enjoys belittling and intimidating me in front of other medical team members. My first and only contact so far was not pleasant. I have had texting communication (his preferred way to communicate) since then but not face to face. I know I need to demand respect from him or he will continue this behavior. Do you have any other suggestions. I'm not feeling any support from my 2 supervisors. I've looked through the book

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December 1, 2014

Ask the Expert

Hi Jeremy, My core color is Red (with a strong secondary blend of Blue and Yellow). My husband is a core White, with Yellow secondary traits. My issue: he thinks personality studies are stupid and a waste of time. I feel like he is limiting himself but refusing to understand himself and others... And limiting our relationship, since he doesn't get my need to share and be understood. Obviously I can't change him, but what do I do? I'm frustrated! Sincerely, Heather ==================== Hi, Heather. I'm sorry you are so frustrated. That would be very difficult. If it helps to know, you're definitely not alone. Many people have come to u

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November 3, 2014

Ask the Expert

Hi, Jeremy. I have been a fan of the Color Code for years and use it constantly while working on my own personal development. My family are all well-versed in Color Code as well, and it is part of our ongoing dialogue. My question is, what do you do when somebody sees themselves as being one Color, but everyone around them sees them as being another Color entirely? Do you have some ideas on how to assess what is really going on? Thanks! Andre ========== Hello, Andre. Thanks for the question. Yes, that can be a tricky situation because the last thing th

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October 13, 2014

Ask the Expert

Dear, Jeremy. I run my own business by myself and I work with a lot of different clients. I'm a Red and I work really well with White clients in particular. Yellow and Reds clients are okay too. It's my Blue clients that I really struggle with. In fact, I just "fired" another Blue client today. I just can't handle how suspicious they are and how they question everything that I do for them. It's too draining on my time and patience. I've been doing this work for 30 years, and I need my clients to trust me to do what I'm good at doing. I don't need a lot of clients, and I can afford to be selective. That said, is it bad if I just don't take o

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September 9, 2014

Ask the Expert

Which Color Has the Most Difficult Time Overcoming Its Limitations? My favorite course to teach here at Color Code International is our Trainer Certification Course. The program is available to people who want to really study and understand the Color Code so that they can then teach our workshops. During one of my most recent classes, the following question was asked, "Jeremy, which Color has the most difficult time overcoming its limitations?" Curious as to what the trainer-in-training was thinking, I asked what he thought the answer was, and a wonderful debate ensued. He said, "I think Reds have the hardest time overcom

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August 13, 2014

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I’m a Blue and I struggle in communicating effectively with my Red boss via email. I know that he only wants a high level overview of things without much detail. The problem is that I feel if I don’t communicate the details and he ends up needing more information, he’ll be upset with me for not giving him what he needed. Do you have any suggestions for me? Yours truly, Doug ========== Dear Doug, Thanks so much for your question. Red-Blue communication definitely has some interesting dynamics associated with it, and you hit the nail on the head when describing the problem. The Red wants bullet points, and the Blue does

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