
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

October 6, 2021

How to Properly Appreciate a Blue

I come from a line of Blue women. My maternal grandmother was a Blue. My mom is a Blue. I am a Blue. And if I could give any advice to those who know, live with or love a Blue, it is that Blues need to be appreciated. I remember my mom making each of us kids either call my grandma or write her a formal Thank You card every time she gave us a present. Yes, it seems like an obvious thing to do as an adult, but I always felt so silly and a little embarrassed calling her and having what seemed like a serious conversation to 8-year-old me. But my Blue mom knew that HER Blue mom needed to hear that “Thank you.”

As a Blue myself, it comes naturally to me to remember people on their birthdays, reach out to friends who are going through a tough time and do special things for my family. And I do these things out of love — but when friends or family members who have a different personality type than me (thus, different strengths) neglect to do these things for me, I start to get a little pouty. As I’ve gotten older, I have realized that not everybody shows their love in the same way, nor do they even know what might offend me, so I have learned to let a lot of things go. However, if you want the secret for really wowing a Blue and helping them feel loved, here are three ways you can help them feel appreciated.

Simply Reach Out to Them

Since Blues are motivated by intimacy, they are typically the ones who are going to reach out to others to get together and catch up or gather for a holiday party. Relationships really matter to them, so it’s common for them to take the initiative on making weekend plans with loved ones. However, just because this comes naturally to them, doesn’t mean they always want to be the one who organizes every social gathering. They also LOVE when others reach out to them to get together. They even appreciate a simple text message that asks them how THEY are doing. So if you don’t have time to grab lunch with your Blue friend this week, even a simple text message to touch base will go a long way.

Notice the Nice Things They Do

Blues are so giving, sometimes we get so used to their service that we take advantage of it and forget to give sincere gratitude, or even notice the small things they do. If you have a Blue in your life, never hesitate to thank them for their acts of kindness. They don’t need you to return their favors all the time or go out of your way to perform a grand gesture for them…all they need is recognition and gratitude. Of course, acts of kindness on your part once in a while are never going to be a bad idea.

Give Them Something Meaningful

I know I just said a simple “thank you” is enough for a Blue most of the time, but when you do want to do something more for them, or if you’re gifting them something for their birthday or a holiday, make it something meaningful. Remembering their favorite flowers and dropping a bouquet off for them on a bad day will send their heart soaring far more than a Starbucks gift card. After all, they appreciate beauty more than the other personalities do. Blues are passionate people, so chances are it won’t be hard to think of something you know they love. Just make sure to execute those nice thoughts you have.

Having these three simple things in your arsenal of knowledge will go a long way in your relationship with a Blue. After all, as the Blues like to say, “life is all about relationships.”


Megan Christensen is a Blue who has been writing her feelings for as long as she can remember. Megan graduated from BYU-Idaho in 2014 with a degree in communication. A lifelong fan of the Color Code, she’s thrilled to be the content editor of the blog and hopes to help as many people as possible become more self-aware. When she’s not writing, Megan can be found reading, doing yoga, and spending as much time as she can outdoors.

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