
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

October 13, 2014

Ask the Expert

Dear, Jeremy. I run my own business by myself and I work with a lot of different clients. I'm a Red and I work really well with White clients in particular. Yellow and Reds clients are okay too. It's my Blue clients that I really struggle with. In fact, I just "fired" another Blue client today. I just can't handle how suspicious they are and how they question everything that I do for them. It's too draining on my time and patience. I've been doing this work for 30 years, and I need my clients to trust me to do what I'm good at doing. I don't need a lot of clients, and I can afford to be selective. That said, is it bad if I just don't take o

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June 29, 2014

Ask the Expert

What do these Colors mean anyway? I recently had a person ask me if I could better explain what these four Colors are so that she could better understand how this whole system works and how to apply it to her life. Most people, she said, just hear about "Red," "Blue," "White," and "Yellow" and then a few behavioral qualities that describe what each type is like. She also wanted to know what the Colors themselves mean. I thought this was such a great question! It's at the heart of Dr. Hartman's theory, and I probably too often assume that everybody understands it already. So here's my quick lesson on MOTIVES. Whenever I deliver a Color Co

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February 12, 2013

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, So my secondary and tertiary colors (red and blue) are really close (28% and 21%, respectively). But somehow I got a TON of the weaknesses of blue, and NONE of the strengths. And it's really showing up and creating conflict in my life, esp since I'm almost 50% yellow. What does a person do about that?? Can I please have a blue-ectomy? Tori Hey, Tori. Thanks for taking the time to write us about this. It's a great question/dilemma. I would not recommend going with the Blue-ectomy, though. They're invasive, expensive, and you may end up losing a lot of heart in the process. :)

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September 29, 2012

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I work in a company with a little over 10,000 employees, and in the top leadership tier, I have two VPs that I’m currently dealing with that I’m not sure how to handle. They are both Red, and when they run their individual teams, they’re amazing, but when they work together on our executive team, they are constantly butting heads. What can I do to make this work? Gavin Dear Gavin, What you have described to me sounds like a classical Red on Red issue that actually isn’t too tough to resolve. Here’s what typically happens: Reds by nature love to fit into leadership roles, and why not? T

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February 2, 2012

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, With Valentine's day coming, I wanted to write and ask the following question: How I can get my Red husband more engaged in the holiday? When we were dating, he made the day so special with gifts and activities. Since we've been married, though, he isn't one bit romantic. Help! Sincerely, Blue in SLC  ____________________________________________ Dear Blue in SLC, I have great news for you! If you are well-versed in the Color Code, it's like having that chubby little cherub we call "Cupid" on speed dial. So let me give you a few insights on how Reds--espec

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