Hi, Jeremy. I have been a fan of the Color Code for years and use it constantly while working on my own personal development. My family are all well-versed in Color Code as well, and it is part of our ongoing dialogue. My question is, what do you do when somebody sees themselves as being one Color, but everyone around them sees them as being another Color entirely? Do you have some ideas on how to assess what is really going on? Thanks! Andre ========== Hello, Andre. Thanks for the question. Yes, that can be a tricky situation because the last thing th
Read MoreTo celebrate July—the month of Independence Day, we thought it would be fun to see what some of the more famous signers of the Declaration of Independence were like. Following are a few brief sentences that tell us some of the more common traits of their personalities. John Adams Adams was known to be impetuous, intense and often vehement. Adams was, at his core, an author, communicator and defender often arguing unpopular opinions merely to see if he could bend his mind to the task in such a way as to unnerve his opponents and ultimately win the day. Thomas Jefferson Known as the “Silent Member” of C
Read MoreMay 11th is Mother’s Day. To some it’s a big deal and to others, not so much. Either way, we are full of advice for successfully navigating the day. Blues I am breaking with Color Code tradition by beginning this advice with the Blues. Why? Because, I’m afraid those of you with Blue mothers will fade before you get to the Blue advice, and that would be a big mistake—BIG. So, pay attention. Let’s talk about your Blue mother. All your life, she was there for you. She was the mother who volunteered for your field trips, cake bake, sports… the list goes on. She drove you to school when you slept in, and believed you when you fibbed.
Read MoreToday my newest grandchild was born. As I hold her, I can’t help but wonder who she will be. Will she grow up to be a leader? An entertainer? A caregiver? Or will she quietly go about her business? Color Code teaches us that we are born with our personalities. They are innate. Looking at this small, perfect form, it seems that a personality is too unbelievably huge to be contained in her little body. After all, our personalities are huge—they help determine the direction of our lives. That’s not to say our destiny is controlled by our color. How we use the strengths and limitations of our driving core motive is up to us. Take
Read MoreHow would you handle it if your best friend was going through a difficult time in his life and he came to you for help? How can you provide the best words of encouragement to help him? Many people will find it hard to believe that the first and best way to help a friend is to practice what I call active listening. You may accomplish this by listening carefully without interrupting your friend, and at the proper pause points, check for understanding by feeding back the pertinent information in the form of a question. This approach will confirm your understanding of his situation. The other added value perspective you may use to offer w
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a Leprechaun named Freddy. Freddy was the supervisor for the leprechaun department of shoe making. He was in a dither because they had a quota to make…2000 pair of new dancin' shoes by March 15th, two days before the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. It was the morning of March 1st. He quickly did some ciphering and concluded that in order to make the quota, his team of 4 would have to make over 30 pair of shoes each. He didn’t include himself in the calculations, because he, of course, was the boss. His talents were best used telling the others what to do. He called in his most reliable worker, Brady, and in c
Read MoreDid all you Whites out there know that every March there is a holiday called White Day? It’s true. According to Wikipedia, White Day is celebrated in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China on March 14--one month after Valentine's Day. White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan when the National Confectionery Industry Association started it as an “answer day” to Valentine's Day (their version of our Hallmark Holidays). It was “designed” to give men the opportunity to pay back the women who gave them gifts on Valentine's Day. Naturally, the National Confectionery Industry Association wanted all the gifts to be chocolate, but it h
Read MoreLately, I have been thinking about social networking and what personalities are drawn to it. For instance, I have accounts on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Eons, etc.--but don’t really participate. I don’t post, re-post, share, or poke. If anything, I am more of a voyeur. I will toggle through to see if there is anything interesting going on, and I do enjoy reading news from my scattered family. But, I have a hard time getting excited about the hen that my niece just bought for her Farmville farm, or working up a warm-fuzzy feeling about the plethora of cute cat posters that abound. And now, with the election heating up, I really don’t
Read MoreDear Jeremy, Any tips or experiences about Red-Blue relationships? Do you find that it really is a "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" combination? Thank you! Laura Dear Laura, Great question! I love it. "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" does just sound so ominous, doesn't it? I think it gets this nickname because roughly 85% of the conflicts that we deal with in training situations are of a Red-Blue nature. A lot of the personal coaching that we have done also has revolved around these two personalities. The fact of the matter is, a Red-Blue relationship is typically the hardest relatio
Read MoreDear Jeremy,I work in sales, and I was wondering if there is a way to read a person's Color Code without having them take the profile?- Doug Hello, Doug. There sure is! In fact, it's pretty simple. I call the technique, "Quick Coding", and I've put together a little training video that will show you how to do it. Quick Coding is an extremely valuable skill to master whether you are in sales, leadership, or simply trying to manage your own personal relationships. You don't want to miss this one! Check out the video here: Training Video: Quick Coding 101 Very best of living, Jeremy Daniel Jeremy Daniel (Core Color: Yellow) has
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