
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

July 27, 2017

To Develop More Compassion Like a Blue…

Try on their shoes... ...metaphorically speaking that is. Let us explain. If you've been reading our blog or are a fan of the Color Code you probably already know that the "antidote" to any personality limitation you may have will always be found in a strength of one of the other personality types. That's why we stress the importance of knowing as much as possible about all the colors. So with that in mind, today might we offer a small tip on how to tap into the compassion that comes so naturally to our Blue friends? It's so simple you're probably going to dismiss it, but we encourage you to take a moment this w

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July 25, 2017

Time Management Tip for Whites

One of the Time Management Tips for Whites from the Color Code Cards is to “set proactive agendas rather than reacting to agendas others set for you.” This is something I need to work on. Although I’m a core Blue, I have a lot of White, and I struggle to be a little too satisfied with letting other people do the planning while I just do the participating. Growing up, my very Blue mother was fantastic at making fun plans for the family. I was always happy to go along for the ride. Now, my Yellow husband is good at planning fun things for us to do. Once again, I’m happy to let him do it. However, I’ve realized letting other people

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July 20, 2017

Four Great Gift Ideas for Your Yellow Child

Yellows can be pretty fun to buy gifts for. Their enthusiasm plays its part well in gift situations, which can make it fun for the gift giver. If you suspect your child is a Yellow, it may not be hard to pick out gifts for them, especially if the gift is fun. However, gift giving is all the more fun when you feel you have an idea that will make the recipient glow with joy. If your Yellow child has a birthday coming up, here are four gift ideas that will hopefully tickle their love of fun.

1. Surprise them with a puppy. Is there anything more fun than a puppy? ;) Surprising kids with pets is a classic, possibly cliche, but me

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July 18, 2017

Ask the Expert: Which of the Colors Is the Most Loving?

Which of the four Color Code personality styles tends to be the most loving? Tricky question, isn't it? ... But I get that kind of thing a lot. I think some people want to jump to a conclusion and say that Blues are the most loving. My guess is that they do this because we associate Blues as being the most caring, thoughtful, etc. While it is true that those particular personality strengths are most common for Blues, I submit to you that each of the four Colors expresses love in different—though equally significant—ways. Therefore, our position is that no Color is naturally more "loving" than any other Color. Let's take a look at how

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July 11, 2017

Identifying a Red Personality’s Needs

Each of us either knows a Red personality or is a Red personality. And while some of the readers out there may know the Red’s strengths and weaknesses, they may not understand their wants and needs. Today, we want to focus on the Red needs in hopes that you can understand them better and know how to treat their personality. Reds Need to Look Good Technically Reds need to be able to stand their own ground intellectually. When a Red is faced with a new project, they will do all the research necessary to become knowledgeable in the subject matter. They don’t go to meetings unprepared. Going on vacations with them will be a

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July 6, 2017

How to Date a Blue

Being in a romantic relationship with a Blue can’t be easy. I should know, I am one. However, my Yellow husband does a great job at handling all my emotions and he also did a great job at winning my heart. Today, I think it’d be fun to offer some advice to those who are trying to date a Blue. Take out your notebooks and get writing! ;) Be romantic I’m married to an awesome guy who is great at the whole romance thing. When we first started dating, I was in a situation that made me hesitant to get too serious with him, but he was determined and proved himself worthy time and time again. Our first Valentine’s Day together, he surprised m

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June 29, 2017

Three Ideas to Help Whites Become More Motivated

White Personalities—you may or may not know that one of your natural limitations is being unmotivated.  The good news is this isn't something that can't be overcome with effort. So, if you think you could possibly use a little more motivation in your life, read on and give the following a try! 1. Make a to-do list This may seem obvious but it's amazing what results you can achieve with a to-do list if you are CONSISTENT and COMMITTED. Pick a specific time every day to make your to-do list. You can include as many or as few items as you like but the key is to develop a habit here so don't overwhelm yourself at first with too much. Start off

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June 27, 2017

Electronic Messages—Reading Between the Lines

“Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.”  -Carol Burnett (Editor's Note: This post was previously published on the blog May 11, 2015, but the author felt it was even more important today.) We live in an age where a large percentage of our communications are done via email and texts. It is convenient, and for some, a great time saver. The problem is, how are your messages interpreted? Without body language to provide insight into the delivery, a misinterpreted written communication might leave the recipient feeling slighted, criticized or belittled. An unanswered emai

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June 21, 2017

Advice for Meeting a Blue’s Needs

Who doesn’t want their needs to be met? Each personality color comes with its own set of needs, but many people are likely not meeting these needs due to not being aware of what they are. If each of us knew the needs that came with each personality color, we would surely be better equipped to care for our loved ones. Today, we are going to address the needs of the Blue personality and help those who know and love Blues understand how they can meet their needs so the Blues will feel happier and more loved. Blues need to be good morally If you have a Blue friend who seems like a goody two-shoes, and it annoys you, this will be a good need for

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June 20, 2017

Four Tips for Embracing More of the Yellow Personality

If you’re a Red, Blue or White personality, have you ever been curious about what it’s like to be inside a Yellow’s skin? The cool thing about Color Code, is that while you’re always going to be the same core color, you can learn to adopt strengths from other colors. So if you’re looking to be a little more like a Yellow, follow these four tips: Shelf Your Worries—Yellows are carefree like children. If you’re feeling overly worried about something you shouldn’t, become more Yellow by shelving your worries and telling yourself it’ll all work out. Let Go of Unnecessary Responsibilities

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