This post was previously published on the blog Feb. 11, 2013. February is a great month to celebrate and work on relationships — especially those with your significant other or hopeful significant other. So with that in mind, we created this fun little “Cheat Sheet” for you to have a quick reference way to improve your relationship with your Mr./Mrs. Right or potential Mr./Mrs. Right. Happy Valentine’s Day from the Color Code Team! Enjoy!
Read MoreFrom a tender age, I have been fascinated by The Color Code. I love learning about myself and others and how I can gain a deeper understanding of how we emotionally connect to one another. I am a Blue. Because of so much exposure to Color Code, I considered myself adept at assigning people in my life to the various colors. So you can imaging my face palm when my husband — I admittedly couldn’t decide if he was a Red or a Blue — turned out to be a bright, shining Yellow. After listening to the Yellow CD for the first time in several years, it totally makes sense to me that he would be this fun-loving color. How could I not see it befor
Read MoreI have a friend who has a great job, owns her own condo, drives her dream vehicle, and has more friends than anyone I’ve ever known. She is intelligent, has a great sense of humor, and would give you the shirt off her back. Jane is a Yellow. The thought of Jane’s social calendar sends chills down my spine. Unlike her, I am content to stay home, do projects around the house, and enjoy my family (until I don’t). I like it when people come to me, stay a while, then leave. There are times I wish they would actually leave sooner than they do, but still—they do eventually leave. My relationship with Jane consists of her doing anything I s
Read MoreFebruary is a great month to celebrate and work on relationships—especially those with your significant other or hopeful significant other. So with that in mind, we created this fun little “Cheat Sheet” for you to have a quick reference way to improve your relationship with your Mr./Mrs. Right or potential Mr./Mrs. Right. And if your still thirsty for more great dating and relationship advice, don’t forget to check out or new ebook called Dating Secrets that is on sale in our store for only $2.95 this month. Included in it are: In-depth descriptions of traditional color compatibility Charts that list “what makes
Read MoreTaking Ownership For Your Relationships
Taylor Hartman, Ph.D.
When was the last time you accepted full responsibility for a problem in your life? When was the last time you heard anyone say, “That’s completely my fault. I am 100% Responsible for what happened and will do whatever is necessary to make it right!” We have created a society of victims with a cultural backdrop that actually promotes ”blame, denial and rationalization” rather than responsibility and ownership. Today, if you smoke three packs of cigarettes a day for forty years and die of lung Read More