Many of the world’s most successful business people such as John D. Rockefeller and Jack Ma as well as renowned psychologists and researchers including John Mayer, Peter Salovey, and Daniel Goleman, have for years touted the importance of emotional intelligence in leaders as a critical factor for a company’s success.
But what about the rest of those at a company?
Does increased emotional intelligence in managers, employees, and staff directly translate into more effective, higher producing, and happier teams at work?
In an article titled “What Makes a Leader,” written for The Harvard Business Review, D
Read MoreThere are numerous ways to increase your effectiveness as a leader. You could work on improving your own efficiency. You could learn how to think more strategically. You could work on developing specific emotional intelligence talents. You could get more time management training, etc., etc. But, in reality, does anything really matter more than your success in helping the people you lead to grow, collaborate and achieve on a higher level? If that's true, one of the best ways to "move the needle" in your own leadership efforts can be to simply have a personalized plan for the individuals you work with. That's why I've
Read MoreWhen I was four years old, my family moved to a new city and I found myself invited to a Valentine’s Day party attended by new, unfamiliar faces. While at the party, a timid, Blue/White me steadfastly stayed by my mother’s side, too shy to try to make new friends. As the story goes, a little girl, noticing my timidity and hearing my plight of being “the new kid,” marched up to my mom and I and stated confidently, “I’ll take care of her!” I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that child was a Red. And true to her bold declaration, she did take care of me and has continued to do so for the last 21 years. Yes, I am a Blue and my b
Read MoreReds are as bold as the color they represent — they are not going to go unnoticed. Mother Teresa and Helen Keller were both Reds. President Donald Trump appears to be Red, too. Get the picture? Reds are society’s natural born leaders, and they know how to get from point A to point B efficiently, often with little fanfare. Reds are active and productive. They are very committed to causes, and they are all about being focused and determined to accomplish whatever life hands them. The Red motto is: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” If you haven’t guessed by now, Reds are naturally the most dominant and intimidating of the four p
Read MoreTo celebrate July—the month of Independence Day, we thought it would be fun to see what some of the more famous signers of the Declaration of Independence were like. Following are a few brief sentences that tell us some of the more common traits of their personalities. John Adams Adams was known to be impetuous, intense and often vehement. Adams was, at his core, an author, communicator and defender often arguing unpopular opinions merely to see if he could bend his mind to the task in such a way as to unnerve his opponents and ultimately win the day. Thomas Jefferson Known as the “Silent Member” of C
Read MoreLife is all about relationships. We have them, to some extent, with everyone we meet, from your best friend, to the person who checks you out at the grocery store. In each situation, we modify our behavior to meet the needs of the person with whom we are in that relationship. After all, you wouldn’t behave the same way in front of your Grandma as you would a peer. Whether you recognize is or not, that is the Color Code in action. There are many factors that come into play that define our outward behavior. Your core motive (color) is innate and will never change. But, what about other behavioral influences that play a part in your personali
Read MoreWith a demanding new project on the horizon, you have decided to appoint a group leader to head it up. In the past, employees within the group have worked independently, without any defined leadership. However, you feel it would be beneficial to appoint a formal leader for the group. Each color will bring with it its own set of leadership strengths and limitations. Knowing those characteristics will help you select the person best suited for this project. Red A healthy Red will make a wonderful leader. Reds are visionary; they are always thinking a few steps ahead. They will set a structured course for the team and give clear directions. Team
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