Sometimes people ask me why we bother talking about limitations in our program. I hear things like, "Doesn't that just create negativity?" and "We want people to feel good about themselves, so can you just skip the discussion on limitations?" In fact, several years ago, we walked away from a very large client who represented a significant amount of ongoing revenue, over a similar question. I remember talking to the executive on the phone. I knew that they had vetted several personality-based programs (Color Code being one of them), and she called me to share their decision. She told me that they all "LOVE the Color Code program," and
Read MoreMy dear Blue father strongly dislikes the fact that, here at the Color Code, we refer to the Blue and Red personalities as “heavyweights” and the Yellow and White personalities as “lightweights”. Perhaps there is a negative connotation associated with one or both of those words for him—or he just never liked boxing… Regardless of why, in honor of Father’s Day, this article will attempt to give my father—and anyone else who may benefit by it—another, perhaps more palatable and “Shakespearean” if you will humor me, way of viewing this aspect of our different personalities. To Seek Control or Avoid Control—Tha
Read MoreI have a friend who has a great job, owns her own condo, drives her dream vehicle, and has more friends than anyone I’ve ever known. She is intelligent, has a great sense of humor, and would give you the shirt off her back. Jane is a Yellow. The thought of Jane’s social calendar sends chills down my spine. Unlike her, I am content to stay home, do projects around the house, and enjoy my family (until I don’t). I like it when people come to me, stay a while, then leave. There are times I wish they would actually leave sooner than they do, but still—they do eventually leave. My relationship with Jane consists of her doing anything I s
Read MoreToday my son Chris and I had an interesting conversation about love. He is a White and therefore very introspective when it comes to observing human nature. I, on the other hand, am a Red so tend to discount emotions that seem to inflict the lovelorn. Still, even though I am missing the romance chip, I found the conversation interesting. It seems that Chris’s Yellow friend is addicted to falling in love. OK, addicted might be too strong a word, but he is strongly attracted to the high that one gets when the whole falling in love process begins. So, we will throw out the word addiction, but make no mistake…there are powerful chemicals inv
Read MoreDear Jeremy, So my secondary and tertiary colors (red and blue) are really close (28% and 21%, respectively). But somehow I got a TON of the weaknesses of blue, and NONE of the strengths. And it's really showing up and creating conflict in my life, esp since I'm almost 50% yellow. What does a person do about that?? Can I please have a blue-ectomy? Tori Hey, Tori. Thanks for taking the time to write us about this. It's a great question/dilemma. I would not recommend going with the Blue-ectomy, though. They're invasive, expensive, and you may end up losing a lot of heart in the process. :)
Read MoreGood day; My name is Rene; I just wonder why when redoing the test there would be drastic changes in one's color code? My friend had done the test in 2009 with strong blue as primary color and white as secondary color. Now, after redoing the test, she says she is still blue as primary color but her secondary color has changed from white to red. She is very confused regarding her new results. I am puzzled too as you mention our color coding are coming from birth. Any explanation why their would be such a drastic change a few years down the road? Thank you for yo
Read More“The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance.” Benjamin Franklin There are few things in life that are more rewarding or challenging than educating our youth. Every year teachers are presented with a sea of new faces for which they must create connection and meaning. The students behind the faces represent tremendous variety in their personal histories and family cultures. Even so, teachers must make sense of the students’ individuality as well as create a community wherein they can work together and learn. We have high expectations for what teachers must accomplish in order to be considered legitimate in society’s eyes
Read MoreSCENARIO: While the economy seems to be improving, and unemployment numbers are stabilizing, we are still seeing employers that are faced with a reduction in force. As difficult as it is for managers to give this terrible news, it is even more difficult to be on the receiving end. So what can you do as a manager? How can you make the news a little more bearable? Each color will prefer to have this conversation differently. LIKELY REACTION: REDS: In having this difficult conversation with a Red, don’t bother beating around the bush. Reds respond best to direct communication. Don’t ramble on with excuses, personal feelings
Read MoreIf you have more than one child, you have come to the realization that regardless of the fact that they were raised in the same environment, siblings can be very different. Following are some tips on what you can expect now that the new school year is upon us. Red Students Whether in kindergarten or grad school, a Red is only there because they need the experience to further their success. Otherwise, why bother? They already know everything. In fact, Red children are often the ones that leave school too soon because they’re bored. The biggest problem that teachers (especially Blue teachers) have with Red students is that Red children don
Read MoreTaking Ownership For Your Relationships
Taylor Hartman, Ph.D.
When was the last time you accepted full responsibility for a problem in your life? When was the last time you heard anyone say, “That’s completely my fault. I am 100% Responsible for what happened and will do whatever is necessary to make it right!” We have created a society of victims with a cultural backdrop that actually promotes ”blame, denial and rationalization” rather than responsibility and ownership. Today, if you smoke three packs of cigarettes a day for forty years and die of lung Read More