
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

February 23, 2012

The Awkward Blind Date

This week we thought we'd have a little fun and make two one-minute videos about the joys of blind dating. One for the guys and one for the gals. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog or follow us on Twitter or Facebook for great dating tips and much more. Here is the one for the gals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9lsxX7wFW0   And here is the one for the guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYYYW6MDpUc   Enjoy!  

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February 22, 2012

The Family Dynamic

Families are an interesting dynamic. In my family of four, we represent the Color Code completely. I am a Red, my husband is a Blue, my oldest son is a White, and my youngest son is a Yellow. Before learning the Color Code, I was frustrated by the fact that everyone didn't think and act exactly the way I did and naturally, it didn't occur to me that they might be just as frustrated with me. Example: During the remodeling of home we were planning to sale, I asked my Blue husband the simple question, "Can we paint the porch handrail today?" Yes or no, right? This is the answer I received: "I have some sheetrock being delivered today and I nee

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February 2, 2012

The Selfless Leader

By: Taylor Hartman, Ph.D. There are countless books, seminars, and formal educational programs committed to inspiring effective leadership. Why then do so few leaders ever rise above themselves to become what all the great leadership research and teachings endeavor to promote? Why do the Enrons of the world continue to produce self-absorbed, immature, and insensitive leaders? It could well be argued that the very psychological nature of man is selfish—an inner drive to care for oneself at the expense of another. Much like the constant struggle we endure physically against the elements of nature in order to survive, so too must we constant

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February 2, 2012

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, With Valentine's day coming, I wanted to write and ask the following question: How I can get my Red husband more engaged in the holiday? When we were dating, he made the day so special with gifts and activities. Since we've been married, though, he isn't one bit romantic. Help! Sincerely, Blue in SLC  ____________________________________________ Dear Blue in SLC, I have great news for you! If you are well-versed in the Color Code, it's like having that chubby little cherub we call "Cupid" on speed dial. So let me give you a few insights on how Reds--espec

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February 1, 2012

Brainstorming Success with Color Code

Brainstorming has helped teams come up with innovative ideas, products, services and solutions for centuries. Today, successful teams use it as a fun yet productive way to generate long lists of problem-solving possibilities. Brainstorming often results in realistic, creative breakthroughs. Break your brainstorming sessions into two phases. During the first phase the goal is to create a long list of ideas by moving quickly to generate as many good ideas as possible without taking the time to discuss each idea in-depth. Brainstorming provides you with a general focus, and then you can begin to discuss solutions. The second phase is the disc

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January 27, 2012

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, I manage a sales team of nearly 250 people. Our corporate headquarters sets our annual sales goals, bonus structures, and incentive programs based around increasing sales production along certain product lines, which sometimes means not focusing on others. My job is to lead a team of managers with the objective of helping the salespeople for whom I am responsible to increase their sales volume according to the goals corporate sets. Some salespeople are very driven by the bonus/incentive programs, and others simply are not. Some are indifferent to what they are asked to sell, and some are terribly i

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January 27, 2012

Know “The Code”…Dating Smart

ATTENTION: If you’ve been on so many blind dates that you actually won a free dog, this article is for you… Let’s face it. You “log in” because you eventually want to “log off” and actually meet someone in person, right? I mean, if Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler (Shamie) can do it, you can DEFINITELY do it. And, if you understand The Color Code, you can date more successfully than ever before. The first thing that you need to learn about dating is this: “It’s all about you…but it ain’t only all about you”. I’ll explain… What I’m talking about here is the fact that you are interested in dating b

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January 27, 2012

100% Responsibility

Taking Ownership For Your Relationships

Taylor Hartman, Ph.D.

When was the last time you accepted full responsibility for a problem in your life?  When was the last time you heard anyone say, “That’s completely my fault.  I am 100% Responsible for what happened and will do whatever is necessary to make it right!” We have created a society of victims with a cultural backdrop that actually promotes ”blame, denial and rationalization” rather than responsibility and ownership.  Today, if you smoke three packs of cigarettes a day for forty years and die of lung

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