
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

June 4, 2014

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy,

My "ask the expert" question is this... I am a Red with 25% Yellow; I find that at work there is a good blend of Red & Yellow. However, as soon as I get home, my Red goes away and I'm just Yellow. I would like to be more Red at home, but haven't figured out how to do it. Any suggestions?



Dear Donitta,

What a great question! Thanks for bringing it up. I hear this with other Reds, actually, so please

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May 5, 2014

Find the Key to Each Person

I recently had the privilege of hearing Alan Horn being interviewed for The Hollywood Reporter. Now, for those of you who don't know who Alan Horn is, let me bring you up to speed. He was one of the founders of Castle Rock Entertainment (Seinfeld, When Harry Met Sally), then went on to become the President and COO of Warner Brothers (where he managed the entire Harry Potter and new Batman Franchises among other things) and now is Chairman of The Walt Disney Company. So, ya, you could say he's a pretty successful guy and might know a thing or two about success and leadership.

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May 5, 2014

Ask The Expert

Dear Jeremy, Our leadership group recently had some Color Code training for a team building event. It was a great experience, we learned a lot, and people have had nothing but positive things to say about the event. One concern that I've had since then, however, is that one of our team members seems to be using his Color Code as an excuse for the way he acts. Is that common, and do you have any advise for addressing that particular issue? Thank you for your help! Cynthia ==================== Dear Cynthia, First of all, I'm glad that you enjoyed the

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May 5, 2014

Mother’s Day? We Have Your Back

May 11th is Mother’s Day. To some it’s a big deal and to others, not so much. Either way, we are full of advice for successfully navigating the day. Blues I am breaking with Color Code tradition by beginning this advice with the Blues. Why? Because, I’m afraid those of you with Blue mothers will fade before you get to the Blue advice, and that would be a big mistake—BIG. So, pay attention. Let’s talk about your Blue mother. All your life, she was there for you. She was the mother who volunteered for your field trips, cake bake, sports… the list goes on. She drove you to school when you slept in, and believed you when you fibbed.

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April 9, 2014

Filters That Can Affect the Bottom Line

Life is all about relationships. We have them, to some extent, with everyone we meet, from your best friend, to the person who checks you out at the grocery store. In each situation, we modify our behavior to meet the needs of the person with whom we are in that relationship. After all, you wouldn’t behave the same way in front of your Grandma as you would a peer. Whether you recognize is or not, that is the Color Code in action. There are many factors that come into play that define our outward behavior. Your core motive (color) is innate and will never change. But, what about other behavioral influences that play a part in your personali

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April 9, 2014

Baby’s Huge Personality

Today my newest grandchild was born. As I hold her, I can’t help but wonder who she will be. Will she grow up to be a leader? An entertainer? A caregiver? Or will she quietly go about her business? Color Code teaches us that we are born with our personalities. They are innate. Looking at this small, perfect form, it seems that a personality is too unbelievably huge to be contained in her little body. After all, our personalities are huge—they help determine the direction of our lives. That’s not to say our destiny is controlled by our color. How we use the strengths and limitations of our driving core motive is up to us. Take

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April 9, 2014

Ask the Expert

This month, I wanted to share a great question that was sent into me by one of our Certified Color Code Trainers. Her name is Lisa Hall, and she does an amazing job. Recently, a participant of hers who had attended a Color Code training in the past asked the following question after learning about the Character Code. Here's the question, "If our Driving Core Motive does not change, then why not just take the Character Code assessment?' This is actually a great question, and I can understand where the participant is coming from - especially since we've all been conditioned to look at behavior-based personality models. In fact, if this were

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March 4, 2014

Beware the Ides of March–Assassination and Intrigue

On March 15th of 44 BC, the term “The Ides of March” would become forever changed. Its modern meaning?  The date that Julius Caesar was assassinated. Although a seer continued to warn Caesar that harm would befall him no later that the Ides of March, Caesar failed to listen. On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The ides of March have come," meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone." Caesar was stabbed to death while leading a meeting of the Roman Senate. The successful conspirators were led by Marcus J

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March 4, 2014

Are You Guilty of Color Bias?

I am a Red. When I took the Color Code assessment 8 years ago, I didn’t really understand the paradigm, and quite frankly, didn’t take much stock in it. But, working for Color Code, part of my job description was to get on board (go figure), so I took the test. You are a Red. When I got those results, I wasn’t pleased. I didn’t feel motivated by power. I conjured images of myself in a Hiltleresque mustache, demanding and rigid, expecting everyone to fear me. Then I read that a Red’s motivation for power is like that of a car engine. Power that moves you forward, not power that makes you have a diabolical ne

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March 4, 2014

Ask the Expert

Dear Jeremy, Personally, I don’t consider myself a “RED”; however, when I see that my red is 34.7% and my Blue is 34.09% (.61% difference) then what does that make me? I mean if I’m equally a red and blue then should I be aware of the Blue-Red, Blue-Blue, Blue-Yellow, and Blue-White relationships? Thank you for your consideration. George ========== Dear George, Thank you so much for submitting your questions. Without a doubt, you have a VERY strong and extremely close Secondary Color to consider. There are definitely some insights that I have for you both in determining with certainty your Core Color and in understandin

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