Reds are as bold as the color they represent — they are not going to go unnoticed. Mother Teresa and Helen Keller were both Reds. President Donald Trump appears to be Red, too. Get the picture? Reds are society’s natural born leaders, and they know how to get from point A to point B efficiently, often with little fanfare. Reds are active and productive. They are very committed to causes, and they are all about being focused and determined to accomplish whatever life hands them. The Red motto is: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” If you haven’t guessed by now, Reds are naturally the most dominant and intimidating of the four p
Read MoreFrom the Editor: Each month we will be inviting one of our experienced Certified Independent Color Code trainers to write an article discussing why and/or how they use Color Code in their field of expertise. We hope you will find this valuable as you learn from various experts all over the country and world as they share with you how they apply the Color Code. To start this series off we’ve got Jesse Ferrell from Las Vegas, Nevada for your reading pleasure. Enjoy! Leaving Your Signature Meets The Color Code Leaving your signature is an article I wrote and published a few years ago. The Color Code is a brillian
Read MoreAs we plunge into 2017, one of the most frequently asked questions we see is, "How can I finally stick to my New Year's resolutions?" It's a good question, and there is a lot of advice out there online. Some of it is really great, and some of it is, well, not so great. As our expertise centers around the Color Code Personality System, I'd like to add my two cents on how to help with resolutions from our perspective. Our perspective is always "MOTIVE." Motive is all about why we do the things we do, and it definitely ties into how we pursue our resolutions. Too often during this time of the year, we sit back and we think
Read MoreFrom a tender age, I have been fascinated by The Color Code. I love learning about myself and others and how I can gain a deeper understanding of how we emotionally connect to one another. I am a Blue. Because of so much exposure to Color Code, I considered myself adept at assigning people in my life to the various colors. So you can imaging my face palm when my husband — I admittedly couldn’t decide if he was a Red or a Blue — turned out to be a bright, shining Yellow. After listening to the Yellow CD for the first time in several years, it totally makes sense to me that he would be this fun-loving color. How could I not see it befor
Read MoreMy sweet niece is getting married. She lives in a different state than most of her family, and consequently feels the wedding plans are a bit one-sided. She is desperate to be surrounded by her own family. I readily agreed to throw a bridal shower for this fun-loving, VERY Yellow niece in her hometown. This is how it all started: Talk about clueless. I win the prize for being clueless. And I have no excuse. I work for Color Code. Lets break down this innocent little message: I was hoping to have a little shower at your house.
How a Red reads this: I would li
Read MoreColor Code is excited to announce the release of our new 42-page comprehensive analysis! To celebrate, this new analysis is available free of charge to anyone who has purchased an online comprehensive analysis in the past. Plus, we are having a 72-hour sale for those who have not taken the test or have just received their free basic results previously. Until August 8th at midnight, they can get their 42-page customized analysis for only $19.95! (see details below) The New Analysis has been designed to offer the best of Color Code by lev
Read MoreDear Jeremy, Do you have some suggestions for interview questions to help determine a good fit with the company? Sincerely, Lori ==================== Dear Lori, Thank you so much for submitting your question! Many people utilize the Color Code Personality System in the selection process, even though we do not officially endorse it as a hiring/firing tool. It can, however, have some strong applications in that arena if utilized properly. So, yes, I do have suggestions for the types of questions you might want to use in the interview process, and I'll be happy to share those with you in this post. First, please allow me to state somethi
Read More“Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. ” -Carol Burnett We live in an age where a large percentage of our communications are done via email and texts. It is convenient and for some, a great time saver. The problem is, how are your messages interpreted? Without body language to provide insight in the delivery, a misinterpreted written communication might leave the recipient feeling slighted, criticized, or belittled. An unanswered email or text might make a person feel that they are being ignored, or worse, that the recipient is angry over the content of the message. All of this can
Read MoreDear Jeremy, I profiled as a Red. I don't think that is a bad thing to be, but now my family thinks that the Red is all that I am. They think I'm controlling and unkind. What do I do to convince them that I have many layers? Yours truly, "Red" ==================== Dear "Red", What a great question! Speaking of layers, I see a few in your question and comments that I would like to address here. Certainly being Red is not a bad thing at all! Every Color has wonderful strengths that should be openly shared and celebrated. It is also true that every Color has terrible limitations that should be regularly evaluated and addressed as well. A
Read MoreI bought a Fitbit®. For those of you who have been say, on the moon, a Fitbit® is a small device that when tucked into your pocket, counts the steps you walk in the course of a day—all 24 hours of it. This latest craze recommends that you walk 10,000 steps in those 24 hours. Easy right? Ha! Being a Red, it is important for me to be challenged and I thought this handy little piece of technology would do exactly that. Ha! again. I have owned said product since February 18th and have yet to walk 10,000 steps in a day. The closest I have come is 8,044 steps and that is the day I had to visit the Apple Store’s Genius Bar and ended
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