
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

March 13, 2013

A Leprechaun Tale

Once upon a time, there was a Leprechaun named Freddy. Freddy was the supervisor for the leprechaun department of shoe making. He was in a dither because they had a quota to make…2000 pair of new dancin' shoes by March 15th, two days before the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. It was the morning of March 1st. He quickly did some ciphering and concluded that in order to make the quota, his team of 4 would have to make over 30 pair of shoes each. He didn’t include himself in the calculations, because he, of course, was the boss. His talents were best used telling the others what to do. He called in his most reliable worker, Brady, and in c

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March 4, 2013

White Day, Color Code Style

Did all you Whites out there know that every March there is a holiday called White Day? It’s true. According to Wikipedia, White Day is celebrated in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China on March 14--one month after Valentine's Day. White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan when the National Confectionery Industry Association started it as an “answer day” to Valentine's Day (their version of our Hallmark Holidays). It was “designed” to give men the opportunity to pay back the women who gave them gifts on Valentine's Day. Naturally, the National Confectionery Industry Association wanted all the gifts to be chocolate, but it h

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February 12, 2013

Confessions of a Red—The Science of Love

Today my son Chris and I had an interesting conversation about love. He is a White and therefore very introspective when it comes to observing human nature. I, on the other hand, am a Red so tend to discount emotions that seem to inflict the lovelorn. Still, even though I am missing the romance chip, I found the conversation interesting. It seems that Chris’s Yellow friend is addicted to falling in love. OK, addicted might be too strong a word, but he is strongly attracted to the high that one gets when the whole falling in love process begins. So, we will throw out the word addiction, but make no mistake…there are powerful chemicals inv

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February 11, 2013

Color Code’s Cheat Sheet for Lovers

February is a great month to celebrate and work on relationships—especially those with your significant other or hopeful significant other. So with that in mind, we created this fun little “Cheat Sheet” for you to have a quick reference way to improve your relationship with your Mr./Mrs. Right or potential Mr./Mrs. Right. And if your still thirsty for more great dating and relationship advice, don’t forget to check out or new ebook called Dating Secrets that is on sale in our store for only $2.95 this month. Included in it are: In-depth descriptions of traditional color compatibility Charts that list “what makes

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September 27, 2012

Confessions of a Red—Trick or Treat

I have two granddaughters, both born and raised in the same household by the same parents and yet, they couldn’t be more different. The oldest, age 12, is clearly a Red. She is determined, confident, impatient, and more than a little bossy. Her younger sister, age 8, is as Yellow as can be. She is happy, charismatic, and, yes, sociable. I love her with all my heart, but sometimes I want to ask her to please be quiet for just a minute to give her Red grandma a little respite. But, I don’t. As Halloween approaches, all the talk is about what they “want to be” on that magical occasion. My Red invariably goes for the creepy costumes. Be

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September 7, 2012

Confessions of a Red—Social Networking

Lately, I have been thinking about social networking and what personalities are drawn to it. For instance, I have accounts on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Eons, etc.--but don’t really participate. I don’t post, re-post, share, or poke. If anything, I am more of a voyeur. I will toggle through to see if there is anything interesting going on, and I do enjoy reading news from my scattered family. But, I have a hard time getting excited about the hen that my niece just bought for her Farmville farm, or working up a warm-fuzzy feeling about the plethora of cute cat posters that abound. And now, with the election heating up, I really don’t

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August 10, 2012

The Colors of an Olympic Athlete

I love the Olympics. I love everything about them. The spectacle, the strange sports you only see there—or occasionally on obscure cable channels late at night, the world coming together and putting aside their differences if only for a few weeks, etc., etc. But I especially love the athletes. I love them for many reasons. But mostly I love them because they are living, tangible proof that determination and hard work can result in extraordinary things. These athletes remind us all just how amazing we can be if we are willing to put in the effort. And, since I work at Color Code, they also remind me of motive. Because, while much of their a

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July 8, 2012

Tshirt Contest–The Color of Leadership

This month, in honor of Independence Day, the following are some tidbits about presidents that have led the US through good and bad times and are historically considered to be “great presidents”. Identify the color of each President for a chance to win a free t-shirt. Thomas Jefferson—Man of the People Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. Known as the “Silent Member” of Congress, he was a reluctant candidate for President. Jefferson was a quiet, but effective manager. He preferred working in the privacy of his own office rather than in the public eye. He did not like to give public addresse

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June 18, 2012

Flying Colors

The Color Code is everywhere, even 30,000 feet in the air. I recently flew across the country with my 15-month-old baby. My husband had a conference to attend in Florida. And, Yellow that he is, he insisted that our baby and I tag along to make a vacation out of it. A five-hour flight with a one-year-old? Sure, what could wrong? The flight there was heavenly. Our baby, Maggie, was a dream. She ate her snacks, she played with toys, she waved sweetly to the people seated around us. What was I so worried about? Traveling with a baby is a piece of cake. I’d seen those frazzled, sweaty parents running through the airport. I’d watched as they

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April 26, 2012

1927 New York Yankees

With the baseball season underway, we thought it would be fun to go back in time and describe the personalities of two of the most popular players from the famous 1927 New York Yankees. Quick Code Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, be one of the first 10 readers who correctly code the players and you  will win a Color Code t-shirt of your choice. Be sure to include the answer, the t-shirt size and the t-shirt color you prefer when sending answers.

In 1927 Lindberg completed his first solo across the Atlantic; new cars were being sold for $375.00; and the New York Yankees won the World Series.

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