Dear Jeremy,
Hello there and thank you in advance for your time!
While I completely agree with my Color Code of Yellow, I have a hard time aligning these traits with my Christian beliefs. Would there be a section that speaks of religion and Colors having congruence?
Dear Manny,
First of all, hello to you as well, and thank you for submitting such a wonderful question! I can see how that might be a little confusing.
To answer your question and help you reconcile the differences between your Yellow Core Personality and your Christian beliefs, we need to consider the way that “filters” impact us.
One of the fundamental teachings of the Color Code theory is that you are born with your Driving Core Color intact, and that DCM stays with you throughout your life. You can add strengths (or sadly – limitations) from other Colors, but you can’t completely discard and then change your Core Color.
Once we are born, we, of course, begin to experience different facets of life, and we are exposed to myriad external influences that begin to shape our behaviors, beliefs, values, etc.
We call these external influences “filters,” because they can impact the way that we view ourselves and the way that other people view us as well.
Filters come in all shapes and sizes. The way that we are parented can create a filter, the environment we grow up in can create a filter, abuse can create a filter, and as you mentioned – religion can create a filter as well.
Some filters have the tendency to align with a particular Core Color, and if that Core Color is not the same as your own, you might experience some incongruence (as you mentioned in your question).
Let me give you a few examples. I know a Yellow purist – meaning, he doesn’t have a Secondary Color – who seems 100% Red to everyone around him. If you were to ask him why that is, you would learn that he spent over 20 years in the military, which certainly drilled a very Red mindset into him. He would also tell you that at the end of the day, how much FUN he’s having at work and in life is still the thing he values the most.
Another example of a filter is youth. It seems that from 0 – 18 years old, Yellow is the “in” Color to be. High school is like a Yellow wonderland (as I fondly recall). 🙂
A third example of a filter comes directly from your question – religion – and in this case, Christianity (because different religions would bring different filters of course). I believe that Christianity generally creates a very Blue filter. Serving others, caring, showing compassion, and of course exercising obedience are all very Blue traits.
Of course, you are going to find people with Red, Blue, White, and Yellow Core Motives in the military, in a high school, and in any given Christian church, and some of them will feel more naturally aligned with their environment than others.
That doesn’t mean that those who don’t feel that 100% natural fit are flawed in any way. On the contrary! We have to stop making comparisons to other people and learn to value and celebrate our differences.
Everybody has different gifts, and that’s a good thing. So bring your Yellow self to church next Sunday and use your social skills, your charisma, your friendliness, your love of life and people, your willingness to forgive; and lift others up in a way that only you can!
Thanks again, Manny. I hope this helps.
Very best of living,
Jeremy Daniel
Training Director
Color Code International
Jeremy Daniel (Core Color: Yellow) has been working with the Color Code since 1998 in various capacities from training in the field personally with Dr. Taylor Hartman to designing customized corporate solutions and new training programs for various industries. To ask about Jeremy’s training or speaking services, please email and inquiry to