Blues, we want your goal for today to be to let go! Do you find yourself regularly piling too much on your own and/or others’ plates? Then please see above! When you go to make your to-do list tomorrow, allow yourself to leave a few items unchecked without beating yourself up. When you ask your kids to get a job done, don’t yell at them for not doing it according to your unrealistic standards. Ask yourself on any given day if your expectations are too high, and if they are, take it down a notch! We promise your life will be easier! :) — The Color Code Team
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The other day I came across some literature of ours that says: “One Blue man finally gave up worry in his eighties. He told me he had worried needlessly all his life and it had cost him dearly. Most of what he worried about never happened, yet he had robbed himself of enjoying the present moment for so many years. He said that he finally woke up one day and said to himself, ‘No more! If it hasn’t happened to me by now, chances are it won’t ever happen. So let it go!’ And he did. He had paid his debt in time and energy and was finally free simply to be.”
That passage both resonated with me and sca Read More