
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

June 16, 2021

Color Code and The Great Global Shuffle

When I first started using the Color Code in my team-building trainings, I was imparting to individuals this magnificent tool that establishes motive and gives you ideas to help with people unlike you. Each personality type has a bright side and a ‘not so bright’ side.  I’ve witnessed team-building exercises be so helpful for leaders because once they know their company's color portfolio, they have an easier time when team members come to discuss their problems. Usually, they don’t drop in with how happy they are and how great their job is!  So my question to you in the midst of this global shuffle we have been experiencing (i.e.

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September 19, 2017

Building Collaborative Teams With The Color Code

Today’s businesses, faced with a changing workforce, globalization, technology and the need to stay in the forefront of their market, are finding the old organizational hierarchy is no longer working. Instead they are creating collaborative team environments as part of their performance management strategy. By forming teams who own a project from inception to completion and by providing a reward system based on performance and not position, you increase employee satisfaction and engagement—thus a higher rate of commitment and performance. Initially, when building teams, it made sense to for companies to choose teammates based on their h

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