To celebrate July—the month of Independence Day, we thought it would be fun to see what some of the more famous signers of the Declaration of Independence were like. Following are a few brief sentences that tell us some of the more common traits of their personalities. John Adams Adams was known to be impetuous, intense and often vehement. Adams was, at his core, an author, communicator and defender often arguing unpopular opinions merely to see if he could bend his mind to the task in such a way as to unnerve his opponents and ultimately win the day. Thomas Jefferson Known as the “Silent Member” of C
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a Leprechaun named Freddy. Freddy was the supervisor for the leprechaun department of shoe making. He was in a dither because they had a quota to make…2000 pair of new dancin' shoes by March 15th, two days before the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. It was the morning of March 1st. He quickly did some ciphering and concluded that in order to make the quota, his team of 4 would have to make over 30 pair of shoes each. He didn’t include himself in the calculations, because he, of course, was the boss. His talents were best used telling the others what to do. He called in his most reliable worker, Brady, and in c
Read MoreSITUATION: The CEO of a software company met with her vice presidents to plan the agenda for the annual all-employee meeting. The purpose of the meeting each year is to update and energize the 120 employees of the organization. The CEO’s address is the capstone of the meeting. One vice president conducted the meeting and it all progressed according to plan until the website update came up. The woman giving the update had worked with the company less than six months. However, she was very experienced, well spoken and clear in her presentation. The sales team started asking questions one after another with increasing criticism about the new d
Read MoreDear Jeremy,I work in sales, and I was wondering if there is a way to read a person's Color Code without having them take the profile?- Doug Hello, Doug. There sure is! In fact, it's pretty simple. I call the technique, "Quick Coding", and I've put together a little training video that will show you how to do it. Quick Coding is an extremely valuable skill to master whether you are in sales, leadership, or simply trying to manage your own personal relationships. You don't want to miss this one! Check out the video here: Training Video: Quick Coding 101 Very best of living, Jeremy Daniel Jeremy Daniel (Core Color: Yellow) has
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