Reds are so easy if you understand how they see life. They are “Power” based people. Reds are productive, they are driven, and they hide their insecurities. They are very easy to build relationships with once you understand them. Here are some helpful suggestions.
1. Present issues logically. Do not whine and cry and complain. They want to know the facts. They are not only unmoved by emotion, they see it as weakness.
2. Demand their attention and respect. Reds know they can run you down if you let them, and they don’t respect you if you do. You must learn how to speak up, present the facts, and challenge them when necessary.
3. Be direct, brief, and specific in conversation. Reds hate lectures. A Blue’s tendency to lecture and talk about the goodness they are going to bring is a waste of time to a Red.
4. Be productive and efficient. They admire that in people. They only value people that are strong, productive and efficient…like themselves.
5. Offer them leadership opportunities. If you work with a Red, give them a chance to grow. Don’t force your opinion on them. Allow them to voice their own.
6. Support their decisive nature. Tell them you are proud of them for telling you what they’re going to do, and how they’re going to do it.
7. Promote their intelligent reasoning. If they come up with a idea or solution, let them know that you were impressed with how they were thinking.
8. Be prepared with facts and figures. Respect their need to make their own decisions in their own way. Do not try to make them think your way.
9. Do not embarrass them in front of people. This is huge. Reds do not appreciate it, and they do not find it humorous.
10. Do not argue from an emotional perspective. That is insignificant to a Red. Mr. Spock and Reds have one thing in common, and that is that their thought process is one of logic.
11. Always use a firm approach with a Red. It’s very easy to deal with a Red if you will just work with them very directly and using a firm approach.
12. Don’t use physical punishment. Reds do not like to be touched physically in a negative way.
13. Don’t be slow and indecisive. They cannot understand why your mind doesn’t tick like their’s does. If you need time to think about something, don’t sit there in front of them and take the time. Just say, “I’ll get back to you on that.” When you get back to them, come with the facts and information, and they will respect you.
14. Don’t expect a personal and intimate relationship. Reds struggle with intimacy. They are very uncomfortable with their emotions and your feelings. Don’t expect them to expose themselves all the time to you. Let Reds do it when they’re ready. They will do it, but they have to· feel terribly safe to do so.
15. Don’t attack them personally. Reds are typically uncomfortable with emotions. Therefore, if you attack them on that area, you are in trouble because you’re making them uncomfortable. They’re cornered, and they tend to fight back.
16. Don’t take their arguments personally. It’s important that Reds do not feel that you are going to take things so seriously that they can’t enjoy a good debate.
17. Don’t wait for them to solicit your opinion. Reds will not to ask for your opinion. If you want to give it, you need to speak up and give it.
18. Don’t demand social interaction. Allow them to have alone time. Reds don’t like to always be caught up in interaction with other people. Reds need time to kind of think about where they’re headed and how they’re headed, and why they are doing what they are doing.
So when you go out there in life and you see people that are Red, look for those gifts that they bring. Remember, that their very gifts will often be exposed as weaknesses as well.
Appreciate what’s right about people and understand their gifts and accept their limitations.