
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

May 4, 2021

How to Keep Your Color Code Knowledge Fresh

Like many other things in life, Color Code is easy to use when the information is new and we are excited about it, but over time, our recall of the information begins to diminish. Like a muscle, the less we use our knowledge, the less effective and useful it is. It has been said over and over that “knowledge is power,” and that is true, but it has also been said that “knowledge is only power if we use it.”  

So what are some ways we can use this powerful, life-changing tool? First of all, we need to make a conscious effort each day to use it. Keep reading to learn about a few exercises I do to keep this information in my arsenal.

  • I always keep my color cards with me, so instead of pulling out my phone and looking at social media when I am bored or waiting somewhere, I will sometimes look at my cards and pick out a color to read up on. I will refresh my memory concerning different colors’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Another great exercise I often use is during date night with my spouse. While at a restaurant waiting for our food, me and my wife will “people watch,” but with a purpose. We will watch the parking lot for a car to drive up, then we’ll watch a couple get out of their car, walk in, wait to be seated, then seated at their table. The whole time, we are reading their body language, mannerisms, and lips. We discuss certain things that stand out about each person. We previously agreed we cannot give our conclusions until the couple gets their food and they begin eating. By this time, we have a pretty good picture of their traits. Then, being the Red that I am, I will blurt out what personality color I know they are, while my White/Blue wife waits patiently for me to ask her what she believes their personality color is. If we totally disagree, which is not very often, I will get up (to my wife’s dismay) and act as if I am going to the bathroom. In passing, I will make a comment to the couple we are watching just to get their reaction. After a very brief conversation, I will look at my wife and give her the “I told you I was right” look and go on my way. Now, I understand you don’t need to be that Red, but the exercise keeps you sharp, and it is just plain fun.
  • During the pandemic, watching music videos has kept my Color Code profiling skills sharp. I make sure the song in the video is a duet, so I can watch two people singing to each other. I will then give the song and each actor or singer a personality color. Then I will ask someone who also is familiar with Color Code to watch the same video, and we will discuss our conclusions.
  • One last thing you can do to keep Color Code fresh and useful is to write out a list of family members, co-workers and friends (I have even used my pets). Next to each name, write down their personality traits. At first, you will start to figure out what that individual’s primary color is. Once you get the primary color down and you are brave, move on and start working on that person’s secondary color. Obviously, we don’t just give a test to every person and know their personality traits, so it is up to us to get as much information as possible and compare it with the Color Code science. The benefit of this exercise is twofold: It helps us to use our acquired knowledge and it helps us grow our relationships with others. 

If we want our relationships to be better than they currently are, then we must make a conscious effort to work at them so that we understand others’ perspectives instead of expecting them to see life as we do. Then, and only then, can we help make the world and our relationships the best that they can possibly be.


Glade Shinsel is a Red/Yellow that loves life and helping others by pointing them towards the good things in life. Glade is a Ziglar Legacy certified trainer for Ziglar, Inc. and a certified trainer for Color Code. Glade loves new challenges, and his sales and management experience keeps him competitive and drives his winning attitude. As a motivator, he has a passion for helping people to become the absolute best they can be. He also loves spending time with family and friends in the great outdoors with his two dogs and his side-by-side.