Reds get things done. Period. The healthy Reds in our lives are assertive, action-oriented, motivated, determined and proactive. If there’s any personality who can successfully check things off their bucket list, it’s a Red. Which is why we are going to do the honors of providing our “Kings of the Jungle” with a bucket list that will (hopefully) dually cater to their personalities and allow them to stretch themselves.
This bucket list will be broken into two categories: Five things Reds should do before they’re 30 and two things Reds need to do before they die. Although there are more things listed in the first category, these are items that will likely be easier for Reds to accomplish, as they come naturally to them. The two things mentioned in the latter category may be more difficult for a Red to accomplish, but luckily, there are fewer bucket list items to focus on and more years to achieve them. Reds, buckle your seatbelts and get ready for this ride.
Five Things Reds Should Do Before They’re 30
1. Teach their mother how to be a better parent
- As children, Reds are critical of their parents and believe they know better than they do. Red children communicate what they are thinking, and they are highly articulate and persuasive. When their parents are out of the house, Red children take charge.
2. Win every argument
- Reds demand to be right 100 percent of the time. They don’t ask if other think they’re right, they just state that they are right. Even when it’s obvious that a Red has been wrong, they claim others misunderstood or misinterpreted what they were saying.
3. Break a Blue’s heart
- Reds and Blues are “uncomfortable opposites.” Reds and Blues have to work the hardest to be successfully compatible out of all the personality combinations. Reds don’t love easily, while Blues love deeply and are disappointed by those who can’t love. Reds behave insensitively, while Blues behave too sensitively.
4. Run in a marathon or “run” (be in charge of) the entire event
- Reds are competitive. Reds want to be productive and Reds like to work — thus, running in a marathon. Reds also seek leadership opportunities. They like to be in the driver’s seat and Reds are willing to pay any price for an opportunity to lead, thus “running” the marathon.
5. Run a country
- Again with the leadership. People frequently call Reds “control freaks” because they like to get things done their way. President Donald Trump is a Red, as is Hillary Clinton.
Two Things Reds Need to Do Before They Die
1. Become vulnerable and share their heart
- Reds want to hide their insecurities tightly. They are so good at hiding their insecurities so deeply, they don’t consciously feel the pain associated with them. Reds struggle with intimacy. They are so determined and productive by nature that their lack of intimacy is often ignored or overlooked as a legitimate concern, both by the Reds themselves and those close to them. Their calculating minds combined with invulnerability often makes true intimacy an impractical notion and highly unlikely!
2. Leave their cell phone and computer at home and take a real vacation
- Reds want to be productive. Remember, they like to work. Reds need to get the job done, and they are often workaholics. Therefore, relaxation may be tough for them to apply.
Reds, hopefully this post was a productive use of your time. 😉 Although not every item on this list will be easy to accomplish, you may find it will lead to a better life. Don’t forget that it’s OK to have fun!
— The Color Code Team