
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

July 21, 2021

Seeing Myself Through the Eyes of Others

Many of us would be surprised to see how others view us. We have taken the Color Code assessment, and we now know our strengths and limitations, right? It turns out that there is a lot more to it. Color Code measures personality, which is innate. But throughout our lives, we develop strengths and limitations based on our experiences—Character. These behaviors can be both good and bad. CHARACTER CODE Character Code, Color Code’s new online assessment, transitions from personality to character development by inviting others to assess us anonymously. Because I was the project manager for Character Code, it was important for me to te

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June 8, 2017

Three Strengths Whites Can Use to Resolve Conflict

It’s common Color Code knowledge that Whites dislike conflict and confrontation. Whites are motivated by peace and since peace isn’t exactly the root of conflict, you can see why it could make Whites cringe. Although Whites don’t like conflict, we as humans actually really need them to engage in it with us. Why? Because some of the White strengths are actually really beneficial during conflict. Whites, keep reading to discover how some of your strengths can be assets during conflict and confrontation. Whites are kind Other personalities may get so caught up in the heat and emotion of conflict that they forget to be kind. How many times

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