
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

June 8, 2017

Three Strengths Whites Can Use to Resolve Conflict

It’s common Color Code knowledge that Whites dislike conflict and confrontation. Whites are motivated by peace and since peace isn’t exactly the root of conflict, you can see why it could make Whites cringe. Although Whites don’t like conflict, we as humans actually really need them to engage in it with us. Why? Because some of the White strengths are actually really beneficial during conflict. Whites, keep reading to discover how some of your strengths can be assets during conflict and confrontation. Whites are kind Other personalities may get so caught up in the heat and emotion of conflict that they forget to be kind. How many times

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May 4, 2017

The Difference a White Personality Can Make

I’m incredibly grateful for the White personality. Whites have many great strengths, but I think my favorite is how kind they are. A great example of White kindness is my husband’s stepmom. She and I have developed a great friendship over the last few years, and I have benefitted significantly from her kindness.

Last fall, I suffered a miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy and was incredibly devastating and traumatic. The grief that followed that experience has been paralyzing at times, and as a Blue, my emotions are sometimes more than I can handle. Despite the hardship of this challenge, I will never forget the service

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April 4, 2017

Five Things Whites Should Do Before They’re Thirty

Whites are wonderful. There is no denying that. They are kind, even-tempered, accepting, inventive and balanced, among other great qualities. Anyone who doesn’t have a healthy White in their life needs to drop what they’re doing and go seek a White friend. You’ll thank us later.

Of course, we could brag about Whites all day, but what good would it do if we only ever talked about the strengths of every color? Although it can be discouraging to hear about our limitations, it’s essential for character growth. Whites are timid, inexpressive and they avoid conflict. They can also be boring and uninvolved. It might sting a

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February 7, 2017

Ask the Expert – Why Motive?

Let me tell you why the concept of MOTIVE will change your life. Here's a quick thought for you that I hope makes a lot of sense. Unless you've been a stranger to the Color Code system, or if perhaps you only know us casually because you took Color Code Profile out of curiosity (or something like that), you know that we are all about understanding people's MOTIVES. Motive is everything to the Color Code. It's our "secret sauce," if you will. (Psst - don't tell anybody I told you that!) ;) But it's true. That's what we are all about. For some people, the concept of Motive seems a little strange, because it's not what they a

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