
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

March 30, 2022

Redefining Happiness at Work Using Our Color Code Toolbox

Are you happy at work? Are we supposed to be? Don’t scroll yet.

What if we took that “happy” word that has so many meanings and consider this: what would happen if we took a different approach and planned for the pursuit of purpose while recognizing how we can find strength in our collective differences to improve our happiness?

Let me be clear. False happiness is worse than no happiness at all. If you are a person who is still working on finding your purpose, you are not alone. Even more, if you are not a “naturally sunshiney” personality, I would offer that greater self-awareness le

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November 14, 2017

Turning Life’s Lemons into Margaritas! — A Bit of “Yellow” Perspective to Brighten Your Day

by Maria Lesetz, Happiness Coach & Motivational Speaker “Ariel” is a woman who works at my local super market. She has quite the bubbly personality and always makes a point to say hello to me every time she sees me.  She yells out “Hey New York!” and blows me a kiss. She is a hoot! The other day I commented on her tan and asked her where she went. (You don’t get that type of tan in Oregon at this time of year!) She told me she went to Hawaii for her vacation but then proceeded to tell me what happened to her before she left for her trip. Her pocketbook was stolen. All her credit cards and checkbook were in there. She felt

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March 7, 2017

Life Lessons We Can Learn From Yellows

It’s hard not to love a healthy Yellow. Even if you can’t keep up with their spontaneity, they sure are fun to have around. Yellows love life, which is something a lot of people hope to achieve. While every color has many qualities to admire, today’s post will focus on what we can learn from the Yellow personality. For the worried Blue readers out there, the intense Red readers and the indifferent White readers, let’s take a page out of a Yellow’s book and learn more about why life is so fun for them. Yellows are fun-loving The Yellow Driving Core Motive is fun. Yellows properly define fun. Fun means enjoying someo

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