Parenting a White: Taking a Positive Approach To Their Limitations

In this article, we will identify some limitations of children with White personalities and provide you with some tips so you can approach these limitations in a more positive way.

If you are the parent of a child with a White personality, congratulations! White children are very simple and undemanding. They are typically the easiest babies, and they go through life with an even temper.

White children have great strengths. They are very agreeable to established traditions and boundaries. They are willing to accommodate their siblings and their parents. They play well by themselves, they accept life without drama and they are peacekeepers.

And of course, just like the other colors, children with White personalities have limitations. These limitations might drive you crazy! But since your child may not recognize how they can overcome their limitations yet, it may be up to you to learn to deal with them.

In this article, we will identify some limitations of children with White personalities and provide you with some tips so you can approach these limitations in a more positive way.

Here we go!

1. White children resent being pressured to do things

  • As a parent, you want to see your child thrive. So if your White child is unmotivated and uninvolved — two natural limitations of the White personality — you may find yourself hounding them to do their homework or pressuring them to join a team sport. Well, Whites don’t like being controlled. As a Red or a Blue parent, this is difficult, because you want to control others. But instead of pressuring your White child into doing things, show patience with them and try not to rush them and do not be cruel or insensitive. Instead, try combining firmness with kindness.

2. White children don’t contribute much to conversations

  • Whites often feel things very deeply, but they struggle to express their feelings to others. As a parent, you’re probably wondering what’s going on inside their heads and it may be hard for you that they don’t contribute much to conversations. However, don’t rush communication and don’t force immediate verbal expression. Try looking for nonverbal clues to their feelings. They may not be saying much, but that doesn’t mean they’re not thinking things over in their head or that they’re not happy with you. When they do talk, hear them out and listen quietly and carefully. Whites are great listeners so show them the same courtesy.

3. White children prefer the comforts of home to the demands of the world

  • While there’s nothing wrong with being a homebody necessarily, you also probably want your child to experience what the world has to offer. You’d like to see them go out and make friends and be involved with life. However, to have the best relationship with your White child, don’t expect them to need much social interaction. Just because you were the student body president of your high school doesn’t mean that’s what they want. Of course, it’s still wise to encourage our children to go outside their comfort zone and to try new things, but with a White, you do not want to overwhelm them with too much at once. Since they may not go looking for ways to get involved in the world on their own, try sharing ideas with them that you think they might like.

4. White children don’t complete tasks

  • Whites are unmotivated. A lot of Whites do not have direction and commitment, two critical elements of motivation. Goals are the only hope for an unmotivated White; Without them, Whites remain disengaged and unmotivated. Until they are able to establish direction in their lives, Whites often remain complacent, yet unsettled. Try setting goals with your White child. For example, if they struggle to complete their homework on time, sit down with them each week and make goals such as writing down their homework assignments in a planner, completing their homework before they can watch TV and working to get an “A” in a subject in which they excel.

Now that you’ve finished reading, you’re bound to be a perfect parent! 😉 Remember to be patient with yourself and with your children, and in time, we can all learn to overcome our limitations. Parents of Whites, good luck!


— The Color Code Team

A Bucket List for Reds

If there’s any personality who can successfully check things off their bucket list, it’s a Red. Which is why we are going to do the honors of providing our “Kings of the Jungle” with a bucket list that will (hopefully) dually cater to their personalities and allow them to stretch themselves.

Reds get things done. Period. The healthy Reds in our lives are assertive, action-oriented, motivated, determined and proactive. If there’s any personality who can successfully check things off their bucket list, it’s a Red. Which is why we are going to do the honors of providing our “Kings of the Jungle” with a bucket list that will (hopefully) dually cater to their personalities and allow them to stretch themselves.

This bucket list will be broken into two categories: Five things Reds should do before they’re 30 and two things Reds need to do before they die. Although there are more things listed in the first category, these are items that will likely be easier for Reds to accomplish, as they come naturally to them. The two things mentioned in the latter category may be more difficult for a Red to accomplish, but luckily, there are fewer bucket list items to focus on and more years to achieve them. Reds, buckle your seatbelts and get ready for this ride.


Five Things Reds Should Do Before They’re 30


1. Teach their mother how to be a better parent

  • As children, Reds are critical of their parents and believe they know better than they do. Red children communicate what they are thinking, and they are highly articulate and persuasive. When their parents are out of the house, Red children take charge.

2. Win every argument

  • Reds demand to be right 100 percent of the time. They don’t ask if other think they’re right, they just state that they are right. Even when it’s obvious that a Red has been wrong, they claim others misunderstood or misinterpreted what they were saying.

3. Break a Blue’s heart

  • Reds and Blues are “uncomfortable opposites.” Reds and Blues have to work the hardest to be successfully compatible out of all the personality combinations. Reds don’t love easily, while Blues love deeply and are disappointed by those who can’t love. Reds behave insensitively, while Blues behave too sensitively.

4. Run in a marathon or “run” (be in charge of) the entire event

  • Reds are competitive. Reds want to be productive and Reds like to work — thus, running in a marathon. Reds also seek leadership opportunities. They like to be in the driver’s seat and Reds are willing to pay any price for an opportunity to lead, thus “running” the marathon.

5. Run a country

  • Again with the leadership. People frequently call Reds “control freaks” because they like to get things done their way. President Donald Trump is a Red, as is Hillary Clinton.


Two Things Reds Need to Do Before They Die


1. Become vulnerable and share their heart

  • Reds want to hide their insecurities tightly. They are so good at hiding their insecurities so deeply, they don’t consciously feel the pain associated with them. Reds struggle with intimacy. They are so determined and productive by nature that their lack of intimacy is often ignored or overlooked as a legitimate concern, both by the Reds themselves and those close to them. Their calculating minds combined with invulnerability often makes true intimacy an impractical notion and highly unlikely!

2. Leave their cell phone and computer at home and take a real vacation

  • Reds want to be productive. Remember, they like to work. Reds need to get the job done, and they are often workaholics. Therefore, relaxation may be tough for them to apply.

Reds, hopefully this post was a productive use of your time. 😉 Although not every item on this list will be easy to accomplish, you may find it will lead to a better life. Don’t forget that it’s OK to have fun!

— The Color Code Team

A Guide to Productivity for Yellows

This article provides time management tips for Yellow personalities to help them combat their natural limitations of being undisciplined, uncommitted and disorganized.

If it were up to a Yellow, their days would be filled with fun. Unfortunately for them, life requires a lot of work, which isn’t always a hoot.

Although Yellows have absolutely fantastic strengths, they also have limitations to work on. Some of their limitations that may prevent them from successfully fulfilling the work required by life include their lack of commitment, their disorganization and their undisciplined nature.

If you’re a Yellow who struggles with any of the above, have no fear! This article will give you tips to manage your time and combat these limitations.

Yellows are uncommitted:

Yellows would rather take the easy road through life. Yellows start more projects than anyone else because of their enthusiasm. However, because they are uncommitted, they successfully complete the fewest projects. To be committed, one must be constantly dedicated, which is too much for a Yellow to handle. Take a look at some ideas below to combat this limitation.

Time management tips to help Yellows become committed:

  • Set achievable “time bits” where you focus on a specific task for a specific amount of time and reward yourself for sticking to it. For example, commit to focusing on one task at work for 1 hour without checking your phone, and then treat yourself to your favorite vending machine snack if you do it.
  • Commit to the bigger picture. Create a long-term plan of substance and seek specific activities you can complete to make it a reality. So if your long-term plan is to lose 30 pounds and keep the weight off, try committing to 30 minutes of daily exercise and only two “treats” per week.

Yellows are disorganized:

Yellows’ lives are filled with clutter. It takes organization and effort to get rid of clutter. And, for the most part, Yellows don’t get immediate satisfaction from addressing the clutter in their lives. They are able to sort through it when they have to, but they accommodate chaos easily, which the other colors don’t enjoy.

Time management tips to help Yellows become organized:

  • Do a little planning up front so you get it right the first time. Rather than “winging” a project at work, try making an execution plan so you don’t waste time hoping it goes well.
  • Set and prioritize specific goals every day. It may be helpful to find an organization app that works well for you. Then you can put your most important to-dos at the top of the list and the lesser important ones lower. It may be satisfying to check them off the list!

Yellows are undisciplined:

Power does not interest Yellows, but even if it did, they don’t have the discipline it takes to solve challenging problems. They get so frustrated by day-to-day activities they find boring, such as paying bills or grocery shopping, that they lose concentration and wrack their brains for how they can escape doing those activities.

Time management tips to help Yellows become disciplined:

  • Focus on what is necessary rather than what is fun. Quality requires both.
  • Balance undemanding creativity with focused commitments. Try sketching, writing in your journal or playing music during your lunch break. These creative outlets may dually serve as a productive use of your time and a “brain break” so you’re more rested when you get back to your focused commitments at work.

For the Yellows who made it to the end of this article — all three of you 😉 — hopefully these tips help! If you didn’t make it to the end of this article, don’t worry, a Red will probably be pinning these tips to your cubicle soon.

— The Color Code Team


Combating Depression: Advice from a Blue

A Blue personality discusses the natural limitations that contributed to her depression and offers advice to those diagnosed with depression who also deal with the same limitations.

As a 20-year-old sophomore in college, I had a lot going for me. I was living abroad with three good friends, I was traveling to exotic countries, I was working toward obtaining a higher education and I was in love. Despite all of the wonderful aspects of my life, there was something that overshadowed the good: Depression.

I was officially diagnosed with situational depression shortly after moving home from my semester abroad in Russia. Up to that point, it was the darkest period of my life. On paper, it didn’t make sense for me to be depressed, and yet, I was. Difficult doesn’t begin to describe the years I warred with this mental illness.

Though it didn’t logically make sense for me to be feeling so depressed, understanding my personality from a Color Code perspective now helps me identify characteristics that contributed to my depression. I am a Blue, and it just so happens that Blues are more prone to depression than the other colors.

Before we look further into these characteristics, remember there are many shades of Blue — we are all different. Some Blues may feel they don’t struggle with the same limitations I do. And even if they do, they may have found a healthy way to overcome them. However, if others relate to what I am about to tell you, I hope to provide helpful actions to combat depression and other mental illnesses.

My limitation: I have unrealistic expectations, especially for myself and my life. I tend to create a timeline of where I should be in my life, and it’s because I compare myself to others. For example, as a 20-year-old, I wanted to graduate college by the time I was 22, but I also wanted to travel more. Sure, I’d lived in Russia for a semester and traveled while there, but that was only one corner of the world. If I expected to graduate at 22, I couldn’t put off school and continue to travel. If I wanted to travel a ton, I couldn’t pay for school. I wanted my life to be as picture perfect as everyone else’s looked on social media, but it wasn’t realistic (for me or them).

My advice: Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking you should be doing more than you are. Determine what’s most important to you (e.g. college OR travel) and make that a priority without worrying that you will never achieve your other goals. Recognize these things take time and be patient with yourself.

My limitation: I am worry-prone. I tend to focus way too much on the future with a tunneled perspective. While depressed, I would stew over things like “What if I never get married?” or “What if I never get happy again?” (Spoiler alert, I’m married and have found happiness.) I created problems that weren’t there yet and never would be.

My advice: Focus on who you are rather than who you are not. Instead of thinking, “I am not pretty,” think, “I am kind.” Additionally, focus on what you do have and not what you don’t. Rather than hyper focusing on whether or not you’ve checked off a reasonable amount of boxes on your bucket list, focus on what you’ve achieved and what you’re currently working to achieve.

My limitation: I get too jealous. For whatever reason, I think a lot of us look at others’ success and view it as our own failure. If someone else lands their dream job, we can’t be happy for them because we haven’t found ours. It doesn’t make sense, but I believe it’s a real thing, and I felt this way a lot when I was depressed.

My advice: Rather than focusing on the thing you’re jealous of, think about the person you’re jealous of. If it’s one of your friends or family members, who it often seems to be, think about your love for them and how you do want them to be happy. Then let yourself celebrate with them. I think it’s less lonely to celebrate with them than to distance yourself from them.

Now that I’ve revealed my insecurities — how Blue of me 😉 — I hope others who have similarly struggled can take comfort in knowing they’re not alone and there is a way to overcome some of our less-than-admired qualities. Blues, if you have additional suggestions as to how you’ve fought against your mental illness or limitations, share them with us in the comments below! Remember, our goal is to become Charactered (attaining strengths outside our core colors), but we can be patient with ourselves until we get there.

Megan Christensen graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho in 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree in communication. She previously worked as the head writer for and is now the digital content manager for the Color Code. Her core color is Blue, but she is almost just as White.

Color Code’s Cheat Sheet for Lovers

February is a great month to celebrate and work on relationships — especially those with your significant other or hopeful significant other.

This post was previously published on the blog Feb. 11, 2013.

February is a great month to celebrate and work on relationships — especially those with your significant other or hopeful significant other. So with that in mind, we created this fun little “Cheat Sheet” for you to have a quick reference way to improve your relationship with your Mr./Mrs. Right or potential Mr./Mrs. Right.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Color Code Team!



Marriage and the Color Code

This is what LOVE in a marriage is all about — the will to grow yourself and help your spouse to grow in the process. With love-in-action — everyone wins!

I’m excited to share some thoughts with you about marriage and the Color Code. My wife, Tammy, and I will celebrate 39 years of marriage in July. Fifteen years ago, we almost lost our marriage. We were in trouble. My wife said, “I’m done!” Thankfully, we were invited to a “color meeting.”

I was quite resistant. Feeling insecure and being dragged, I left lots of black heel marks going into that meeting in August of 2002. But I walked out of that meeting in awe, realizing my wife was a member of a very elite group of people, known as “The Blues.”

I discovered there was a motive, a why, a reason she had served me, our daughters, our school, our church and our community so beautifully over the years. She is motivated by intimacy, a deep, close, trusting desire for sincere relationships. She brings the gifts of quality and service to those she chooses to “go all in” with, and she does it with genuine thoughtfulness. That evening helped me understand my optimistic nature and the fact that I am a Yellow, motivated by fun.

We learned that our Blue/Yellow relationship is called “Hand in Glove.” We knew it was a great relationship…when we lived in the strengths of our personalities, but we also knew what a mess we could create if we lived in the limitations and dysfunctions of our personalities. We began to recognize WE could decide what our future would become.

Knowledge is power. We started using our new knowledge, and spent the next 4 years putting our 25-year marriage back together. With God’s grace, the road map of the Color Code, and with the skills of emotional intelligence, we were able to rebuild and restore our marriage, making it better than ever!

In 2007, we were certified as independent Color Code executive trainers. Over the course of the last 10 years, we have shared this life-changing tool with thousands of people in marriage seminars and in corporate leadership trainings, through our company, Motive Matters, LLC. Smart companies know a worker with healthy relationships at home is a happier, safer, more productive worker on the job.

So, in a short article, what could I share with you about marriage?

First of all, the cold, hard reality is the institution of marriage is under assault in our culture today. We are currently experiencing the lowest marriage rate in history.

What difference does this make?

Studies show almost every human interest we experience, whether it is our physical and mental health, our security, our educational development or our financial well-being, is made stronger and better by healthy marriages and family relationships.

Secondly, I am a marriage advocate! As one who almost lost my marriage 15 years ago, I can tell you that having my marriage, my friendship with my wife and my family together, especially with the addition of grandchildren, is one of my greatest and most treasured accomplishments in life.

Don’t misunderstand what I am saying. Do not remain in a marriage where there is abuse. If you do not feel safe, get help.

Also, divorce does not make you a failure. I have never met a couple who got married with the intention of getting a divorce. However, the reality is we all have times when we don’t know how to get along.

Dr. John Gottman has conducted research on married couples for more than 35 years. His data shows that 69 percent of marital conflicts come from differences in personalities. Think about that for a moment…7 out of 10 conflicts!

The Color Code provides a framework, a system, a road map that virtually anyone can use to create a greater sense of compatibility in their marriage.

The statement we hear most often in our work with married couples is, “I just don’t love him (or her) anymore.”

Let’s talk about LOVE. Dr. M. Scott Peck in “The Road Less Traveled” gave me a definition of love I could understand and work with in my marriage. I adapted his definition somewhat and put it to work.

Love is THE WILL to extend myself for the purpose of nurturing my own personal growth and the personal growth and well-being of others.

(Notice, it is “THE WILL,” not the wish, not the hope, not the desire, but the WILL. The definition of will is a desire of sufficient intensity so as to cause or produce action.)

Understanding my wife’s motive of intimacy, knowing the basic needs and wants of a Blue, realizing her strengths and limitations, I began to apply “Love” to my marriage, using this definition. The Color Code provided me the structure to carry out my plan.

Here is a real-life example:

Tammy, as a Blue, has a need to be understood. It was easy for her to go on and on….and on with details about her day that were not fun to this Yellow. However, I wanted to have a good relationship with her.

As a Yellow, I can be a very poor listener! Sometimes, I have a hard time focusing and can be easily distracted. I also have an automatic tendency to interrupt and redirect conversations to something “more fun” for us to talk about. If I were going to help my wife feel more understood and secure in our relationship, I would need to find a way to extend myself, to grow myself into becoming an attentive, highly skilled, active-listener.

Our personalities are very strong! It takes hard work, commitment, courage and lots of grace to accomplish personal growth and build Character.

I had to focus my commitment to be a good listener. I began to practice being a good listener by intentionally concentrating on what she was saying. Then I practiced some more….practice, practice, practice.

I actually used my “out of the box” technique pictured below, which helped me build new pathways in my brain to overcome my poor listening habits.

Over time, guess what happened? I became a better listener, and Tammy began to feel understood and more secure in my love. I found her stories were actually interesting and even somewhat entertaining.

Guess what else happened? She began to realize that I, as a Yellow, didn’t really care about ALL the details. She knew I was working to be a better listener, so she began to shorten her stories!

Together, we worked to create fresh compatibility between our Blue and Yellow colors. Love-in-action began to restore respect, cooperation and teamwork in our marriage.

This is what LOVE in a marriage is all about — the will to grow yourself and help your spouse to grow in the process. With love-in-action — everyone wins!

Van and Tammy Benson live in Mount Vernon, Missouri. They have 4 daughters, 4 sons-in-law and 11 grandchildren. They love the message of the Color Code more than ever! For more information, visit their websites and

Ask the Expert – Why Motive?

Unless you’ve been a stranger to the Color Code system, or if perhaps you only know us casually because you took Color Code Profile out of curiosity (or something like that), you know that we are all about understanding people’s MOTIVES.

Let me tell you why the concept of MOTIVE will change your life.

Here’s a quick thought for you that I hope makes a lot of sense.

Unless you’ve been a stranger to the Color Code system, or if perhaps you only know us casually because you took Color Code Profile out of curiosity (or something like that), you know that we are all about understanding people’s MOTIVES.

Motive is everything to the Color Code. It’s our “secret sauce,” if you will. (Psst – don’t tell anybody I told you that!) 😉

But it’s true. That’s what we are all about.

For some people, the concept of Motive seems a little strange, because it’s not what they are used to seeing. If you’ve done a DiSC assessment, or MBTI, or StrengthsFinder, or if you took a quick personality test online to see what kind of dog you are, etc., you’ve experienced a BEHAVIOR-based assessment.

(I’m a golden retriever on the dog test, in case you’re curious. Haha!)

Let’s think about this, though…

Have you ever behaved in a way that was inconsistent with the way that you actually felt about something? Of course you have!

You might even do that every single day.

The truth is that we tend to judge ourselves based on our motives (our inner workings), but we judge others based on their outward behavior, because that’s all that we can see.

…or is it?

What if you could develop the ability to look beyond a person’s behavior so that you can truly “get” them?

What if you could look through your 4-year-old’s tantrum to know what is actually going on? What if you could wrap your mind around your boss’s rant, so that you could hear him/her objectively? What if you could really understand why someone you love so much is being so difficult — or so distant?

Well, you CAN with the Color Code. The secret is MOTIVE, and that’s what we teach. It’s not rocket science either. It’s simple and it works!

Start looking beyond behavior and begin learning about MOTIVE. You will transform your relationships. You will change your LIFE!

Jeremy Daniel

Jeremy Daniel is the Vice President of Training for Color Code. He leads our Trainer Certification Program and has been teaching the Color Code and delivering motive-based applications to clients internationally since 1998.

6 Life Hacks for the White Personality

This article gives insight into the White personality, focusing on some of their limitations and concluding with some tips to make their life better.

Those of us who are familiar with the social media world have likely come across the term “Life Hack.” This phrase is typically accompanied by a helpful tip that may make one’s life easier. For example, using Coca Cola to clean a toilet.

In our humble opinion, the Color Code is one of the better life hacks out there. 🙂  By understanding ourselves and others at the motive level, we can build better relationships, be better parents, be better employers and employees, and so on and so forth. Today, we will focus on a few life hacks for our friends with Peace as their Driving Core Motive–The White Personality.

Whites have so many wonderful qualities we could go on and on about; however, since this article deals with life hacks, we ask your forgiveness for diving right into the limitations that White personalities can struggle with. This will hopefully allow you to see where and why to apply these tips. So, let’s dive in!

As a White, you should be aware that you may appear detached and uninvolved to others. You also are known to typically take a passive approach to life. You can be bashful and unsure of yourself and we’re guessing you resist making commitments unless you’ve become “charactered” in that department.

And because a lot of Whites struggle with commitment and direction, this also can lead to a lack of motivation, or at least the appearance of such.

Another issue Whites deal with is, when faced with the choice to confront someone or give them the silent treatment, Whites will typically choose the silent treatment because they are uncomfortable with confrontation. Whites also often feel things very deeply, but they struggle to express their feelings to others. Can you relate?

Finally, we should probably tell you that Whites can struggle with timidness and being emotionally unsure. An example of this might be as an employee, we’ve found that many Whites take the easy road instead of fighting for themselves and accept less pay and lower positions in part because they don’t want to place themselves where there may be potential conflict.

Again, please remember that all these limitations don’t apply to every White personality. No two people are alike. A strong secondary color or filter or years of practice becoming “charactered” can easily make it so a someone who scores as a “White” on our assessment doesn’t deal with one or some of these limitations. However, in general these are all things to be aware of if you are a White personality. And, we want to make you aware of them because only by identifying our limitations can we know where to address our efforts most efficiently.

So, now that we’ve identified some potential limitations a person with a DCM of White could struggle with, let’s dive into what we’ve found to be some of the better hacks we’ve found over the past 30 years of research. And, if you are a White who’s overcome most or any of these, please add your insights in the comments below for your fellow Whites to consider. Without further ado, for your consideration here are:


  1. Instead of avoiding issues, address them. This will help you feel empowered and less resentful.
  2. Instead of reacting to agendas others set for you, set proactive agendas. Proactive attitudes will challenge your natural tendency to be passive-aggressive.
  3. Actively seek a sense of urgency. Sometimes you can miss living a passionate life because you refuse to get excited about projects and people. Don’t let time pass you by!
  4. Know that conflict can be enriching. Express your ideas with others and ask for their input rather than taking their feedback personally. Choose to view others’ feedback as enlightening and as a way to broaden your horizons.
  5. Try taking a risk. Rather than always having a “wait and see” attitude, set goals that require effort and will boost your confidence.
  6. Make efforts to control the daydreams that get in the way of you getting work done.

And there you go! Hopefully you’ve found something above that resonated. May we humbly challenge you to take some time this next week to pick even one of these “hacks” and work toward applying it. Then, let us know how it goes!

Here’s to you. 🙂

—The Color Code Team