
Weekly Tools and Tips to Improve Any Relationship

August 10, 2012

The Colors of an Olympic Athlete

I love the Olympics. I love everything about them. The spectacle, the strange sports you only see there—or occasionally on obscure cable channels late at night, the world coming together and putting aside their differences if only for a few weeks, etc., etc. But I especially love the athletes. I love them for many reasons. But mostly I love them because they are living, tangible proof that determination and hard work can result in extraordinary things.

These athletes remind us all just how amazing we can be if we are willing to put in the effort. And, since I work at Color Code, they also remind me of motive. Because, while much of their accomplishments have to do with great physical fitness, I would argue that these athletes have had to achieve a great degree of discipline and “mental fitness” as well.

I can’t help but wonder what colors the athletes are and which color personality would make the best Olympian.

Would it be the Reds with their vision and confidence, determination and discipline?

Would it be the Blues with their attention to detail, commitment, ability to make sacrifices, and deep sense of purpose?

Would it be the Whites with their calm under pressure, observant nature, adaptability and focus?

Or would it be the Yellows with their high energy, adventurous, optimistic and flexible nature?

Regardless of what personality color or color combination you think would be the best, it’s fun to meditate on how we can be inspired by these incredible athletes from all over the world. And, if you have Olympic dreams of your own, I know that working on your “mental fitness” will be an important part of making those dreams a reality…oh and you might want to start doing some sit-ups too.


Joe England has known about the Color Code ever since 1994 when his Grandpa caused quite a family controversy by “quick coding” everyone.  Luckily, Joe could see the value in what Grandpa Don was going for and years later, when the opportunity arose to work for the Color Code, Joe jumped at the chance. He is a Yellow, enjoys Swedish Fish and typically gets along with children better than adults.